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Задания к занятию 6

1. Дайте определение стилистическому приёму антономасии. Приведите свои примеры.2. Охарактеризуйте приём перифраза. Приведите свои примеры.3. Дайте дефиницию зевгмы. Приведите свои примеры. 4. Раскройте сущность явления семантической несовместимости (гетерогенности). Расскажите о её проявлениях: необычных сочетаниях слов и стилевом спаде. 5. Термины для запоминания: antonomasia, periphrasis, zeugma, bathos, unusual collocations, semantic incompatibility. 6. Тест по лексическим стилистическим приёмам. Определите, какой троп/тропы (выразительное средство/средства) использован автором и объясните свой выбор:

1) The clock had struck, time was bleeding away. (A.Huxley) 2) While love, unknown among the blest, Parent of thousand wild desires …(S. Johnson) 3) The laugh in her eyes died out and was replaced by something else.(M.Spillane) 4) She always glances up and glances down and doesn’t know where to look, but looks all the prettier. (Ch.Dickens) 5) I have only one good quality – overwhelming belief in the brains and hearts of our nation, our state, our town. (S. Lewis) 7) He’d behaved pretty lousily to Jan. 8) Friendship, peculiar boon of heavens … (S. Johnson) 9) She was a sunny, happy sort of a creature. Too fond of the bottle. (A. Christie) 10)...she has a nose that is at least three inches too long. (I.Shaw) 11) England has two eyes, Oxford and Cambridge. They are the two eyes of England, and two intellectual eyes (Ch. Taylor) 12) All at once there is a goal, a path through a shapeless day (A.Miller) 13) The young girl who had a yellow smock and a cold in the head that did not go too well together was helping an old lady (J.B.Priestly) 14) The Face of London was now strangely alerted... the voice of Mourning was heard in every street. (D.Defoe) 15) He made his way through the perfume and conversation. (I. Shaw) 16) She was a damned nice woman too (A. Huxley) 17)... for every look that passed between them, and every word they spoke and every card they played, the dwarf had eyes and ears. (Ch. Dickens) 18) The girl gave him a lipsticky smile. (J.D.Sallinger) 19) Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible society is oneself. (O. Wilde) 20) ‘Oh, yes’, said Tom gruffly polite, but obviously not remembering. (F. S. Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”) 21) The company's motto: “For God, for country, and for Acme Gasworks.” 22) The Russian grandees came to Elizabeth's court dropping pearls and vermin. 23) […] a clerk with an interminable brief … (Ch. Dickens, “The Bleak House”) 24) E. Hemingway’s story “Hills Like White Elephants” 25) J. Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath” 26)‘How slippery it is, Sam!’ ‘ Not an uncommon thing on ice’ replied Mr. Weller. (Ch. Dickens, “The Pickwick Papers”) 27) The addict kicked the habit and then the bucket. 28) He knows how to put two and two together. (about a person with extraodinary mathematical abilities) 29) ‘He’ll go to sleep, my God, he should, eight martinis befiore dinner and enough wine to wash an elephant.” (T. Capote) 30) ‘You must not – you shall not behold this!’ said I shudderingly, to Usher, as I led him with a gentle violence, from a window to a seat. (E. A. Poe,“The Fall of the House of Usher”) 31) ‘Dozens of girls would have been delighted to take your place!’ … ‘He was a bully and… a… a pervert.’ ‘My God! It’s a little late to play Mary Poppins. ’ (C. Baehr) 32) W. Faulkner’s novel “Absalom, Absalom!” 33) The landing in Tegucigalpa was like tractor hitting a corrugated-iron roof. (Helen Fielding. “Olivia Joules”) 34) They looked at each other, both on the verge of an awful horror-induced hysteria. (Helen Fielding. “Olivia Joules”) 35) A. Burgess’s novel “A Clockwork Orange” 36) Soapy’s mind became cognizant of the fact that the time had come for him to resolve himself into a singular Committee of Ways and Means (= prison) to provide against the coming rigor [of winter].” (O. Henry, “The Cop and The Anthem”) 37) If you drink too much from a bottle marked “poison”, it is almost certain to disagree with you. (L. Carroll, “Alice in Wonderland”)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 1334 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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