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Жизнь прозябание

Антонимами называют слова (точнее, слова, рассматриваемые в их определенном значении), противопоставленные друг другу по смысловому признаку – качественному, количественному, временному, пространственному.

Оксюмороны с контрарной несовместимостью составляющих:

А) с разнокорневой антонимией компонентов: 1) Nor, indeed, was it the death of Basil Hallward that weighed most upon his mind. It was the living death of his own soul that troubled him. (O. Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey) 2) ‘Well, anyway’, she said, with the strained sweetness of a girl of spirit who is keeping that spirit under control with an effort almost too great for her frail strength, ‘he hasn’t been just sitting around, doing nothing.’ (P. G. Wodehouse, Quick Service) 3) ‘I never could hold my partner Andy Tucker down to legitimate ethics of pure swindling’, said Jeff Peters to me one day. (O’Henry, 100 Selected Stories)

б) сочетания с аффиксальной антонимией компонентов: 1) ‘The first thing to do’, he said, with renewed animation, ‘is to find a sanatorium where you will get a complete rest for a while, and allow your nerves to get into a better condition. I myself will go with you and select a suitable one.’ So he took me to a madhouse in the Catskills. It was on a bare mountain frequented only by infrequent frequenters. (O’Henry, 100 Selected Stories) 2) Moreover, in half an hour’s time, Connie heard Clifford talking to Mrs. Bolton, in a hot, impulsive voice, revealing himself in a sort of passionless passion to the woman, as if she were half mistress, half foster mother to him. (D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover)

Оксюмороны с контрарной несовместимостью: ‘I was brought here, I was brought to my living grave ’. (Ch. Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, p.325)

Ирония (IRONY) (гр. еironia «притворство»):

1) Nice weather, isn't it? (on a rainy day)

2) ‘ Sir, have I the honor of addressing the white-livered poltroon who edits this mangy sheet?’ (M. Twain, Humorous Stories and Sketches)

3) “What a noble illustration of the tender laws of this favored country! – they let the paupers go to sleep”. (Ch. Dickens, “The Pickwick Papers”)

Ирония и юмор(HUMOUR). Ирония и сарказм (SARCASM):

1) "How very sensible of you!"

2) He smiled the sweet smile of an alligator.

3) The worst kind of soul is the great Slav soul. People who suffer from it are usually very deep thinkers. They may say things like this: “Sometimes I’m so merry and sometimes I’m so sad. Can you explain why?” (You cannot, do not try.) Or they may say: “I am so mysterious… I sometimes wish I were somewhere else than where I am.” (Do not say: “I wish you were.”) Or: “When I’m alone in a forest at night-time… I often think that life is so strange.”

All this is very deep: and just soul, nothing else. (G. Mikes, “How to be an alien”)

Развёрнутая ирония:

[…] the town was stripped of the last rag of its ancient glory. Its mourning was not showy, but it was deep. By act of the Legislature--upon prayer and petition--Hadleyburg was allowed to change its name to (never mind what--I will not give it away), and leave one word out of the motto that for many generations had graced the town's official seal. It is an honest town once more… (M. Twain, “The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg”)

‘Lead us not into temptation’ ‘Lead us into temptation’

Аллюзия (ALLUSION):

1) Well," said the Lieutenant, who had listened with amused interest to all this, … "Well, blessed are the peacemakers, especially the fighting peacemakers!" (H. Melville, “Moby Dick”).

2) Like the prodigal son, he returned to his home town and was welcomed by all who knew him.

3) He was a remarkable Prime Minister with feet of clay.

4) Being besought to go to him and dress the wound, the Doctor had passed out at the same gate, and had found him in the arms of a company of good Samaritans, who were seated on the bodies of their victims. (Ch. Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities)

5) It was when the curiosity about Gatsby was at its highest that the lights in his house failed to go on one Saturday night, - and as obscurely as it had been, his career as Trimalchio was over. (F. S. Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”).

6) She caught herself feeling a stab of Cinderella syndrome and felt furious. Dammit, she was impressed with the bloody yacht and the apartment and the pearls and the helicopter. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

К каким голливудским произведениям отсылают нас следующие аллюзии?

[…] a platinum blonde in a tight pink dress with a figure like Jessica Rabbit. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”) 2) ‘It’s like being on the set of Barbarella ’, she murmured. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”) 3) She dusted each number of the safe carefully with the powder, like James Bond. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”) 4) ‘It was brilliant. It was the most foreign place I’ve ever been. It was like Lawrence of Arabia. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”) 5) Christy didn't like to spend money. She was no Scrooge, but she seldom purchased anything except the bare necessities.

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