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Задания к занятию 4

1. Термины для запоминания: metonymy, simile, concept, oxymoron (=oxymoronic group), irony, sarcasm, allusion. 2. Дайте определение лексическому стилистическому приёму сравнения. Расскажите о развёрнутом и стёртом (языковом) сравнении. Приведите свои примеры. 3. Охарактеризуйте лексический стилистический приём метонимии с позиций когнитивной лингвистики. Приведите примеры разных видов метонимии. 4. Дайте дефиницию стилистического приёма оксюморона. Расскажите о логической типологии оксюморонных сочетаний. Приведите свои примеры. 5. Определите термин «концепт». 6. Подготовьте сообщение на тему: «Способы перевода метонимии».7. Дайте определение стилистического приёма иронии. Приведите свои примеры функционирования иронии (или её разновидности сарказма) в стиле художественной литературе или публицистическом (газетном) стиле, разговорном стиле.

8. Охарактеризуйте стилистический приём аллюзии. Приведите свои примеры и объясните возможность адекватной интерпретации данного тропа.

Занятие 5.

Лексические стилистические приёмы: синекдоха, парадокс, каламбур (игра слов), эпитет, гипербола, литота.

СИНЕКДОХА (synecdoche) - (греческое Συνεκδοχη «соподразумевание»): a few heads of cattle. Латинское наименование этого тропа - pars pro toto (часть взамен целого): "The Press" for newsmedia, set of wheels for car. Бесспорные синекдохи: 1)У Гоголя: «всё спит — 788и человек, и зверь, и птица»; 2) «И слышно было до рассвета, как ликовал француз» (М. Ю. Лермонтов); 3) And he had heard that house was costing Soames a pretty penny beyond what he had reckoned on spending. (J. Galsworthy, “A Man of Property”); 4) No creature would believe that story; 5) Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind (W. Shakespeare. Sonnet CXIII); 6) For there can live no hatred in thine eye (W. Shakespeare. Sonnet XCIII).

Metonymy vs. Synecdoche:

Once upon a time, there were two friends, Metonymy and Synechdoche. One day, they were walking in the woods, when Metonomy walked into a tree and exclaimed, “This cannot be here in the middle of the woods!” Synechdoche was quite alarmed by this outburst and replied, “Why, this is the woods, my friend,” at which point they began a mild argument. Before wandering far into their disagreement, they reached the edge of the woods and ventured into a large field bright with sunlight. Squinting from the sun, Synechdoche tripped over a sword in the grass and cut open his right foot. Metonymy, shocked at the scene, cried out, “This is War!” Whereupon Synechdoche (misunderstanding his friend’s motive for speaking) took up the sword and cut off Metonymy’s head. Synechdoche bandaged his foot, picked up his friend’s head and continued into the field, limping, but talking to his friend just as he had done before. Metonymy’s Head complained about this state of affairs, saying, “I am not here anymore. You should not keep talking to me as if I am.” Synechdoche answered, “You are a talking head. What do you think a man is anyhow?” Metonymy’s Head sulked as Synechdoche rested on a tree stump, exclaiming, “What a fine tree this is!” Metonymy’s Head, tired and sleepy at this point, countered with, “If this is a tree, where is the trunk? where are the limbs? the branches? the leaves? Who do you think you are?”
Amused, Synechdoche replied, “Calm down. I’m just a figure of speech, my friend.”

Парадокс (paradox) -(para = «неверный, неправильный», doxa – «мнение» от dokein – «думать»). Парадокс - «неожиданное, необычное, странное высказывание, резко расходящееся по видимости или действительно, не согласующееся с общепринятым мнением, с господствующим убеждением или даже со здравым смыслом, хотя формально - логически оно правильно» (Кондаков Н.И.).

“Captivity that comes with honor is true liberty”. (Massinger and Field. – In: Many Thoughts of Many Minds); 2) “Too true to be good”; 3) Evil be thou my good. (J. Milton, “Paradise Lost”) 4) Lord Henry had not come in. He was always late on principle. His principle being that punctuality is the thief of time. (O. Wilde, “The picture of Dorian Gray”) 5) Beer, the Bible, and the seven deadly virtues have made our England what she is. (O. Wilde, “The picture of Dorian Gray”) 6) Time is waste of money. (O. Wilde, “The picture of Dorian Gray”) 7) The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. (O. Wilde, “The picture of Dorian Gray”);

8) ‘Three is company, and two is none.’(O. Wilde, “The Importance of Being Earnest”). 9) Love and hate are the same thing. The opposite of love is indifference. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”) 10) ‘Most of the wars in the world are caused by the people who think they have God on their side. Always stick with people who know they are flawed and ridiculous.’ (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

Каламбур/игра слов (pun / paronomasia). Источники создания каламбура: омонимия( homonymy) или полисемия (polysemy). Walter Redfern: "To pun is to treat homonyms as synonyms" (Puns, Blackwell, London, 1984).

Объясните следующие каламбуры:

1) - Is life worth living? - It depends upon the liver.

2) – Did you hit the woman with a child? - No, I hit her with a brick.

3) - Do you like Kipling? - I don’t know, I have never kipled.

4) - What instrument do fish like to play? - A bass guitar.

5) Being in politics is just like playing golf: you are trapped in one bad lie after another. 6) There was a young girl, a sweet lamb,

Who smiled as she entered a tram.

The conductor remarked,

Your fare ’, and she said, ‘Yes, I am.’

6) "made glorious summer by this son of York" (Shakespeare, “Richard III”)
8) Номер на форме одного из самых высокооплачиваемых игроков НБА, российского легионера Андрея Кириленко - АК – 47.

9) Uma Turman’s anecdote from “Pulp Fiction”: Three tomatoes are walking down the street, a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. The baby tomato is lagging behind the poppa and momma tomato. The poppa tomato gets mad, goes over to the momma tomato and stamps on him -- -- and says: catch up.

10) I was arrested at the airport. Just because I was greeting my cousin Jack! All that I said was "Hi Jack", but very loud. 11) Boyfriend: What is your favorite music group? Girlfriend: I love U2! Boyfriend: I love you too, but what is your favorite music group? 12) One day a man went to see Mozart's tomb.
When he got there, the tomb was open and Mozart was sitting there tearing up pieces of paper. The man asked: "What are you doing with all of your great works of music?" Mozart replied, "I'm decomposing!"

Extended pun (развёрнутый каламбур): A fight broke out in a kitchen. Egged on by the waiters, two cooks peppered each other with punches. One man, a greasy foie gras specialist, ducked the first blows, but soon his goose was cooked. The man who beet him tried to flee the scene, but was corn ered in the maize of the tables. He was charged with a salt and battery.

Эпитет (epithet). Т автологические эпитеты:

1) -"It's winter answered the Swallow, "and chill snow will soon be here. (O. Wilde, “Happy Prince”) 2) Her (Mermaid) body was as white ivory and her tail was of silver pearl. (O. Wilde)

Пояснительные эпитеты:

" How selfish I have been said the Giant; " Now I know why the spring would not come here." (O. Wilde, “The Selfish Giant”)

Метафорические эпитеты:

1) She […] pulled the curtains aside and found herself looking at a splendid English country-house garden: lawns, manicured hedges in ordered lines … directly below her. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”).

2) The young King was in his own chamber, and through the window he saw the great honey-colored moon hanging in the dusky sky (O. Wilde, “The young King”)

Постоянные эпитеты (fixed/ conventional/ standing epithets): bright face, ridiculous excuses, valuable connections, amiable lady, sweet smile, deep feelings.

Эпитет vs. логическое определение: round table, green leaf, large hand, little girl, blue eyes, solid matter. E.g. In Egypt the sun is warm on the green palm trees … (O. Wilde, “The Happy Prince”)

Постпозитивные(инвертированные) эпитеты: E.g. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary … (E. A. Poe, “The Raven”)

Эпитеты - of-phrases:

1) ‘Prophet!’ said I, ‘ thing of evil …’ (E. A. Poe, “The Raven”);

2) What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous bird of yore

Meant in croaking ‘Nevermore’. (E. A. Poe, “The Raven”)

Эпитеты – сложные слова: A bunch of bleached-blond youths … (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”); Sun-seeking geriatrics (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”).

Эпитетыкачественные наречия: [… ] crocodiles lie in the mud and look lazily about them. (O. Wilde, “The Happy Prince”)

Фразовые эпитеты: E.g. Imogen’s voice had that assistant’s ‘I-don’t-need-to-be-nice-to-you-any-more-because-you’ve-fallen-from-grace’ tone. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

Гипербола (hyperbole) (гр. gyperbolē - преувеличение, излишек). “ A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect”. (1913 Webster)

1) The skin on her face was as thin and drawn as tight as the skin of onion and her eyes were gray and sharp like the points of two picks. (Flannery O’Connor, "Parker’s Back") 2) It was not a mere man he was holding, but a giant; or a block of granite. The pull was unendurable. The pain unendurable. (James Ramsey Ullman, "A Boy and a Man") 3) People moved slowly then. There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County. (Harper Lee, “To Kill a Mockingbird”)

Языковая (стёртая) гипербола. E.g. 1) "She has a brain the size of a pinhead." 2) "I nearly died." 3) "I will die if no one asks me to dance." 4) "He is as big as an elephant!" 5) "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." 6) "I told you a billion times not to exaggerate." 7) "I've heard that a billion and one times." 8) ‘I’m older than the hills.’ 9) You could have knocked me over with a feather. 10) It'sabsolutely madden­ing. 11) You'll be the death of me. 12) I hate troubling you. 13) It's monstrous. 14) It's a nightmare. 15) A thousand pardons. 16) A thousand thanks. 17) Haven't seen you for ages.18) I shall be eternally grateful. 19) I'dlove to do it.

My Dad is Tougher than Your Dad by Bruce Lansky

My Dad is tougher than your dad.
He wrestles alligators every morning just to get his heart pumping.
Instead of eating toast and coffee for breakfast, he eats the toaster and the coffeemaker.
He doesn't drive to work, he runs to work--ten miles a day.
When he gets home from work he relaxes in a hot bath of boiling water.
He prefers chewing nails to chewing gum.
And when he sees someone for the first time, he says "Hello, nice to meet you," so loud and fearsome people run away and hide.
My dad is tougher than your dad.

Литота (litotes/ understatement) (от гр. litótēs - простота):: not bad or not half bad for 'good', not small for 'great', no coward for 'brave'.

Стёртые (языковые) литоты: rather decent; I could do with a cup of tea.

Проанализируйте следующие языковые и речевые литоты. E.g. 1) "... no ordinary city." 2) "That [sword] was not useless / to the warrior now."(Beowulf) 3) "O Oedipus, unhappy Oedipus!" (Oedipus the King) 4) "He was not unfamiliar with the works of Dickens." 5) "The food was not bad” 6) "Reaching the moon was no ordinary task." 7) "That was no big deal." 8) “Don't fail me now!" 9) She's not the friendliest person I know.

Развёрнутые (текстовые) гипербола и литота. E.g. The English have no soul; they have the understatement instead. If a continental youth wants to declare his love to a girl, he kneels down, tells her that she is the sweetest, the most charming and ravishing person in the world, that she has something in her, something peculiar and individual … and that he would be unable to live one more minute without her. Often, to give a little more emphasis to this statement, he shoots himself on the spot. This is a normal, week-day declaration of love in the more temperamental continental countries. In England the boy pats his adored one on the back and says softly: “I don’t object to you, you know.” (G. Mikes, “How to Be an Alien”)

Мейосис (meiosis) (from the Greek mei-o-o = “to make smaller”, "to diminish"). E.g. 1) "The pond" as a name for the Atlantic Ocean. 2) "The Troubles" as a name for decades of violence in Northern Ireland.

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