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To reach a decision, an advert, to be in touch with, a degree, promotion, to resign, challenging, relevant experience, to start straight away, to be quite flexible

8. Say what you got to know from the dialogue about:

1. The applicant’s qualifications;

2. Her previous working experience;

3. The reason why she had to resign;

4. The terms of payment guaranteed by the new company.

9. These phrases can contribute to a job interview. Say them in English.

1. Спасибо за то, что уделили мне время.

2. У вас есть соответствующий опыт работы,

3. Будьте любезны, расскажите немного о том,какое у вас образование.

4. Там не было никаких перспектив для профессионального роста.

5. Рабочий график может быть гибким.

6. Приятно слышать.

7. Я думаю. Мы придем к какому-то решению к понедельнику.

8. Когда можно надеяться получить от вас ответ?

9. Если вы примете меня на эту должность, я могу сразу же приступить к работе.

10. Мы свяжемся с вами в начале следующей недели.

10. Act out the dialogue ‘A Job Interview’.

Grammar review. Indirect questions-polite questions

1. Match the rules 1-4 with the examples a-d.

1 If who/what/which is the subject of the sentence, we do not use do/does/did.

2 Direct questions are usually made by putting an auxiliary verb before the subject.

3 We often use indirect questions to ask for information or to be polite. The word order is different from a direct question. We often begin indirect questions with expressions like Do you know... or Could I ask you....

4 When a verb phrase has no auxiliary verb, the question is made with theauxiliary do: Do you live in Paris? (I live in Paris.)

a) When can you come to the interview?

b) Do you work in sales?

c) Who got the job?

d) Do you mind if I ask you what your weaknesses are?

2. Present and past simple wh- questions do not always use do or did. Study these examples.

Mark applied for the job. Annie interviewed him. He got the job.

Who applied for the job? • Who did Annie interview?Who got the job?

What job did he apply for? • Who interviewed Mark?What job did he get?

Work with a partner. Write five wh- questions about the situation described

in the sentence below. For example: Who did Mr. Yamago sack?

Mr. Yamago sacked Mr. Nishiura because Mr. Nishiura dyed his hair brown.

3. For each direct question below, tick the wrong indirect question and correct them.

1 What are your strengths?

a)Could you tell me what your strengths are?

b)Could you tell me what are your strengths?

2 What would your colleagues say about you?

a)I'd like to know what would your colleagues say about you.

b)I'd like to know what your colleagues would say about you.

3 How have you changed in the last five years?

a)Could you tell me how you have changed in the last five years?

b)Could you tell me how have you changed in the last five years?

4. Requests. Complete the interviewer’s questions with the words given:

Contact let moving send sharing start working

1 Would you mind … at weekends?

2Could you … us have your previous employer’s details?

1 Would you mind … our appointment to Monday?

2 Could you … in two weeks’ time?

3 Could you … us as soon as possible?

4 Would you mind … an office with three other people?

5 Could you … us a copy of your certificates?

5. Match the interviewee’s responses to the interviewer’s questions in exercise above.

a) Not at all, as long as it’s in the morning.

b) B) Certainly. I’m free to start as soon as you like.

c) Yes. I’ll let you know my decision by Friday, if that’s alright.

d) Sure. I’ll put copies in the post straightway.

e) That’s fine, as long as it’s a non-smoking area.

f) How often would that be?

g) Well, in fact they’re all included in my CV.

6. You are interviewing someone for a job. How would you find out politely the following information?

1. Their age 4. Their strengths 7.Their hobbies

2. Reasons for applying. 5.Their weaknesses

3. The reasons for leaving their last job 6. Their qualifications


Conditionals are introduced by the conjunctions: if, in case, provided, unless, suppose, but for.

Condition Subordinate clause Principal Clause
Real Present Ind. /Cont If I know English well Will + Inf. I will(I’ll) get a high – paid job.
Unreal Present/ Future Past Ind. /Cont. If I were you Would Could + Inf. Might I would take up courses in computing
Unreal Past Past Perfect If you had gone there Would Could + have +Participle 2 Might You would have seen him.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

‘If you don’t work harder at school, you 1)’ll never get (never/get) a good job.’ I remember my parents saying these words to me when I was at school. If I had listened to them then, I 2)....(not/become) what I am now. I 3)....(be) so much more if I had tried harder, I haven’t always been a tramp actually; when I left school I had a job as a milkman and if the hours had been easier, I 4)....(do) it for much longer, but I hated getting up so early in the morning. When I lost my job, I 5)....(cannot/pay) the rent, so my landlord said that if I 6)....(not/get) another job, I would be on the streets, and before I knew it, I was. I could have got another job if I 7)...(want) to, but at first I quite enjoyed the freedom of the outdoor life. If you sleep out in summer, it 8)....(not/be)too bad, but in winter it’s awful. If I 9).....(can/change) anything about my life now, I would get in touch with my family again, even though I know they would only say, ’If you ‘d worked harder at school, you 10)........ (not/get) yourself in this situation.’

8. Work with your partner. Complete the sentences below.

1.If my boss retired,........

2.I’ll get a promotion,.....

3.I would probably earn more money if...

4.If I had more time at work,.....

5.The company would have been more successful, if....

9. Translate into Russian.

1. If anyone objects to doing what he has been told, then he can get out of it - at once.

2. If you had come for talks, I would have explained everything in more details.

3. If she'd had any sense she would go back to continue the communication.

4. If I saw this applicant today, I would ask him about it.

5. Had you studied the rules of behaviour, you would have acted in another way.

6. If the manager had not been confused, I wouldn't have understood that I said something wrong.

7. If she hadn't had such a bad taste, she would have dressed more properly for a business tour.

8. If he had taken my advice, he would be a prosperous manager now.

9. If he had prepared his curriculum vitae more thoroughly, he might have looked more self-confident,

10. We would have given the vacancy to that applicant if he had more experience.

10. Open the brackets and use the correct form of Conditionals.

1. If the employer (want) to know more about you, he (contact) you.

2. If you (concentrate) on job hunting, you (find) a vacancy soon enough.

3. If you (be able) to market all of your strengths, the interviewer (appreciate) your skills and professional experience.

4. If the applicant (consult) the expert before the interview, he (produce) a better impression on the interviewer.

5. If I (prepare) for the interview better, it (not be) such a failure.

6. Mary (be) more successful if she (not be) so shy and nervous during the conversation.

7. She (get promoted) last year if she (not argue) with the boss.

8. If the boss (invite) me for the discussion, I (go) to his office at once.

9. If you (not decide) what sort of job you would like to do it (be) difficult to make a good choice.

10. If you (control) your manners and (choose) the proper clothes, you (feel) more confident. I'm sure.

11. Connect sentences using Conditionals.

Model: You want to find a job. You look through ads in the newspapers.

- If you want to find a job you will look thorugh ads in the newspapers.

I did not get the job. I did not prepare all necessary documents.

- If I had prepared all necessary documents I would have gotten the job.

1. He will be able to settle the matter with the boss. He will return from his business trip today.

2. I did not have curriculum vitae with me. I could not remember the dates I was asked about.

3. John does not have a lot of life experience. He has to present the employer his potential abilities.

4. I did not stress my achievements. The head of the company did not appreciate my skills.

5. I decided to change my job. I have to read the business pages of professional journals.

6. I have good working knowledge of Microsoft Word. I'll mention it in my resume.

7. Some people think that clothes do not matter at the interview. They understand the importance of clothes when they don't get the job.

8. The vacancies are published. You can find sometimes very interesting proposals.

9. I did not follow the advice of my friend and did not practice the interview at home. I felt shy and confused when talking to the president of the company.

10. I know I must be organized, logical and concise. My documents are always in disorder.

Grammar Revision

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