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Nickname located. The final part of it, the top-level

Domain, adds information about it, e.g.

.com= company,.org = non profit insti-


Emails usually have two main parts:1. The header generally includes these: TO (name and address of the recipient), CC (carbon copy sent to another addressee), BCC (blank / blind carbon copy), SUBJECT (topic of the message) 2. The body (the message itself). Some email programs also include a signature, with added information about the sender, at the end of the message. You can make your message look more expressive or attractive by using smileys (also called emoticons): little pictures either made with characters from the keyboard such as:-) for happy,:-o surprised,:-(sad, etc. or downloaded images and animations.

F: What you can do on the Web

The Web is an open door to a universe of multimedia resources that people use in many different ways. Here are just a few.

1. ‘In my Weblog, an electronic journal I maintain on the Web, you can read and post opinions in chronological order. In my role as blogger, the manager of a blog, I can promote this new type of discussion.’

2. ‘E-learning, education via the WеЬ, is a great opportunity for people like me who haven't got time to attend classes.’

3. ‘Online shopping, i.e. cybershopping or e-commerce, saves you time and gives you the comfort of buying from your computer. The goods are then l sent to you, so its very easy.’

Exercise 9. Solve the clues and complete the puzzle with words from D, E, F above


1. The WWW is also called the information…………..

2. A link in a web page.

3. A website that offers a variety of services………………

4. The first page of a website is the ……………page.

5. A person who keeps a blog.

6. The manager of a web page is its web ……………

7. An animal closely linked to the Web.

8. Another word for directory.

9. Another word for bookmark.

10. The hidden word is,text with links.

Exercise 10. Complete these instructions about how to navigate with the words:

client, search engine, web page, web server, surf, website, web browser, URL

1. Start up your computer and connect to the Internet.

2. Open your.............................

3. Type the............ to access a website.

4. Your web browser sends the request to the correct..........

5. The server looks for the document and sends it to the computer.

6. Your web browser displays the selected............. on the screen.

7. From the home page of the.... you can............ to other pages by clicking on hyperlinks.

8. If you want to find more websites, use a ………

Exercise 11.

Find words in E above that match these definitions.


1. a file that has been included as part of an email message

2. conventional mail delivered very slowly in contrast with email

3. symbols used to express emotions in an email

4. the part of the email address that identifies the user of the service

5. the computer that provides you with mail service

6. a facility that allows users to send and receive messages via the Internet

7. the part of the email where you write the information about the addresses and

8. the part of the email address that identifies the server

9. the place where your Internet Service Provider stores new email for you

Exercise. 12. What are the main parts of this URL? How would you say the URL?


@ Exercise 13.:URLs and email addresses are sometimes hard to say or can sound strange, e.g. www.dam.mit.edu. Access the Professional English in Use ICT website at www.cambridge.org/elt/ict. Then do the activity How to choose the perfect domane name. (Unit 13)

Skills focus: Writing a for-and-.against essay (120-180words) about whether children should use the Internet.

Exercise 1: Read the list of points about the Internet and mark them A (advantage) or D (disadvantage). Then, act out short dialogues in pairs, as in the example.

1. Web pages with photographs, music and video make downloading slow and boring………

2. The latest information is available to you at any time, quickly and easily……….

3. On-line shopping can save you time and money……….

4. With so much information, finding what you want can take hours………

5. You can share your hobbies and interests with newsgroups and chat groups………

6. There is too much advertising instead of real information………

7. You can make new friends in chat groups………..

8. Making 'chat friends' is not the same as actually meeting people…………

9. You can send mail fast and cheaply………

Student A: One of the disadvantages of using the Internet is that web pages with photographs, music and video make downloading slow and boring.

Student B: I agree, but on the other hand, the latest information is available to you at any time, quickly and easily.

Exercise 2. a) Read the article The Pros and Cons of Using The Internet and fill in the gaps with words and phrases from the list.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 1589 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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