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Tcp, IP, ISP, adsl,ftp, WWW

Exercise 7. Read A and B above and decide if these sentences are True or False. If they are false, correct them.

1. The Internet and the World Wide Web are synonyms……………

2. Computers need to use the same protocol (TCP/ IP) to communicate with each other……………

3. Web TV can provide access to the Net……………

4. ADSL and cable are two types of dial-up connections…………..

5. External, Internal and PC card are types of connections…………..

6. Information can be sent through telephone lines, satellites and power lines…………..

7. The computer IP number is a way to identify it on the Internet……………….

Exercise 8. Match Internet systems (1-8) to what these people use (A-H)

1. Emai A 'I like receiving daily updates and headlines from newspapers on my computer.'
2. Mailing lists B 'I'm doing some research and need computer access to the University library.'
3. Chat and instant messaging C ‘ I’d like to avoid flying to Japan to attend the meeting but I want to see what's going on there.'
4. Internet telephone D'I want to read people's opinions about environmental issues and express my views.'  
5. Video conference E 'I have designed a web page and want to transfer the data to my reserved web space.'  
6. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) F ‘I d like to check my students' draft essays on my computer and send them back with my suggestions.'
7. Newsgroups G 'I don't want to spend too much money on international phone calls but I love hearing his voice.'  
8. TELNET H ‘I live in a small village where there are no other teenagers. I wish I had the chance to meet and chat with friends.'

D. The World Wide Web, Web or WWW is a network of documents that works in a hypertext environment, i.e. using text that contains links, hyperlinks to other documents. The files, web pages, are stored in computers, which act as servers. Your computer, the client, uses a web browser, a special program to access and download them. The web pages are organized in websites, groups of pages located on the Web, maintained by a webmaster, the manager of a website. The Web enables you to post and access all sorts of interactive multimedia information and has become a real information highway. To surf or navigate the Web, access and retrieve web pages or websites, you need a computer with an Internet connection or URL (Uniform Resource Locator), which may look like this:


http:// indicates the type of protocol that the server and browser will use to communicate. Here it is Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

www. shows that it is a resource on the World Wide Web

cup.org is the domain name of the web server that hosts the website.

education is the path, the place where a web page is located.

sample.htm is the filename or name of a single

The different parts are separated by full stop(.) and forward slashes(/). When we say a URL, we say dot (.) and slash (/).

To find interesting sites you can use search engines, where the website information is compiled by spiders, computer-robot programs that collect information from sites by using keywords, or through web indexes, subject directories that are selected by people and organized into hierarchical subject categories. Some web portals - websites that offer all types of services, e.g. email, forums, search engines, etc. - are also good starting points.

The most relevant website addresses can be stored in your computer using the bookmarks or favourites function in your browser.

Websites usually have a beginning page or home page. From this starting point you can navigate by clicking your mouse on hyperlinks in texts or images.

retrieve- извлекать хранимую информацию

E. An email is an electronic message sent from one computer to another that can also include attachments: documents, pictures, sounds and even computer programs.

Although it's much faster and easier to use than the post, snail mail, the two have many things in common: you send an email to a mail server (an electronic post office) where it is stored in a mailbox, which holds incoming mail until the recipient downloads it. Users are given an email address and a password by an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

A typical email address has three parts.

Username The @ sign The domaim name or network address:

A person’s name or means “at” the main server where the account is

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 834 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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