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Focus: Interview preparations. Compiling a CV and a Letter of Application

Skills: Interviewing skills

1. Read the text below and do the exercises.

Theperson seeking work faces two major problems. The first is actually getting an interview, and the second is making sure they perform well at the interview itself. And I'd like, if I may, to give a few handy tips - some "Do's and Don'ts" as it were.

Firstly, you must make sure that you have a CV and an application letter that is up-to-date. Emphasize the positive aspects of your career history and outline the range of skills you possess which could be useful to an em­ployer. Further details on CV preparation are available in the free leaflet from your local Job Centre. Anyway, once you've got a CV, the next thing is to get it into the hands of possible employers. There are several ways to do this.

First you should check the newspapers on a regular basis for vacancies. Think what kind of jobs you could actually do. It may well be the case that you have the skills necessary to do work which you hadn't previously thought of. So, don't restrict yourself unnec­essarily. Also make sure you ask your family and friends about work, as up to fifty per cent of job vacancies never get advertised in the newspapers at all. Another thing you can always do is to make a list of organizations which need your kind of skills and just send them a copy of your CV. An employer may have a vacancy, or they often put your CV in their files and contact you later when a vacancy arises. What should you do to make a good impression at an interview?

Well, many of the things are just common sense really. For instance, make sure you get enough sleep the night before. That way you will look and feel your best on the day itself. Secondly, make sure you wear the right clothes for the job. If it's an office job you must wear formal clothes but for a factory or shop job it is often OK to wear something more casual. But you should always look clean and tidy. And always make sure you arrive, say, ten min­utes early. That way you can sit down and relax for a couple of minutes before the interview. Another good tip is to be extra nice to the receptionist, as in many organizations she or he often has a surprisingly large say in who gets the job. And when you meet the interviewer smile pleasantly, shake his or her hand but don't sit down until invited to. I think I hardly need to add that you shouldn't smoke or chew gum. Towards the end of the interview, the interviewer may ask you if you have any questions, so try to think of one or two intelligent ones before the interview. This is easier if you have found out something about the organization - done some research, so to speak. And finally, when the interview is over, never ask if you have got the job. If the interviewer wants to tell you then and there that you have the job, then he or she will.


1. To seek work –искать работу

2. To face a problem – столкнуться с проблемой

3. Up-to-date – самый последний, новейший

4. To possess skills –владеть навыками(уметь делать)

5. A leaflet –листовка

6. Restrict yourself –ограничивать себя

7. Casual(clothes for casual wear)-простая, повседневная одежда

8. Get advertised –рекламировать

9. To make a good impression –произвести хорошее впечатление

10. Common sense –здравый смысл

2. Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right:

1.get a) tips

2.seek b) an interview

3 give c) work

4 outline d) the range of skills

5 check e) newspapers

6 make f) a list of organizations

7 have g) a vacancy

8 wear h) the right clothes

9 think i) questions

3. Answer the questions.

1. How many problems does the person seeking work face?

2. What must he do first?

3. What aspects should he/ she emphasize in his/her CV?

4. Where can he/she find a vacancy?

5. How to be successful at the interview?

Notes. Your CV should be:

• word-processed

• laser printed on good quality paper

• no longer than two pages of A4 paper

You should include:

1. Personal details

The employer wants to know who you are and how to contact you (essential information only).

2. Education

3. Work experience Don't just describe the job - stress what you achieved and what you learnt.

4.Positions of responsibility

If you do not have a lot of work experience, this section will show employers your potential.

2 Skills Be positive about your ability - never undersell your experience

5. Interests Stress any significant achievements related to your interests.

6. Referees

• Current students and recent graduates should choose an academic referee and a personal one (this could be an employer).

• Get your referees' permission first and tell them what you are applying for and what you would like them to stress in a reference.

4. Look at the Curriculum Vitae and following the guidelines write your own CV.

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