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2. In pairs, discuss these questions. The Key Words may help you.

1. What job areas have become more important in the last twenty years?

2. What jobs have become less important?

3. What skills and qualities are useful to get a good job nowadays?

Key Words:

Job areas: agriculture, coal mining, IT, the media, professional services, shipbuilding, steel, banking, tourism, production

Skills: communication skills, computer skills, driving, language skills, organizational ability, typing

Qualities: co-operation, creativity, cultural awareness, flexibility, initiative, motivation

3.Read the text, learn the key vocabulary and answer the question: What documents do you need to have when you apply for a job?


When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in the appointments section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for the job by sending a letter of application or covering letter(US cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CV (US resume) containing details of their education and experience. A company may also ask candidates to complete a standard application form. The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a short list of candidates or applicants, who are invited to attend an interview. Another way for a company to hire is by using the services of a recruitment agency (US search firm) who will provide them with a list of suitable candidates.

Key vocabulary:

1. to recruit (employ, hire) – нанимать,нанять(a worker)

2. to advertise – рекламировать, помещать объявление

3. a position – должность(место, положение)

4. to apply for a job –подавать заявление о приеме на работу

5. a letter of application or covering letter(US cover letter) – сопроводительное письмо

6. to contain - содержать

7. curriculum vitae(CV) – краткая автобиография

8. on your CV- в вашем резюме

9. an application form – анкета

10.an applicant for the position –кандидат на должность

11.a list of candidates – список кандидатов

12.a recruitment agency (US search firm) – агенство по найму

4.Match the words and definitions.

1. Career   2. CV   3. A job   4. Work 5. Experience 6. A candidate 7. A skill a) the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing sth for a period of time b) a job for which you are trained and in which it is possible to advance during your working life, so that you get greater responsibility and earn more money c) a written record of your education and employment that you send when you are applying for a job d) a special ability to do sth e) a person who is applying for a job to do f) sth that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of your g) work for which you receive regular payment

5. Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right:

1. to recruit a. an interview

2.to advertise b. a short list of candidates

3. to apply for c. a CV

4. to contain d. new people

5. to complete e. an application form

6. to select f. the job

7. to provide with g. the position

8. to send h. the most suitable applications

9. to attend i. details

10. to prepare h. a list of candidates

6. Read the text, learn the key vocabulary and answer the question: Why do people work?


Most people work because they need to earn a salary, but money is not the only motivation or reason why people work. People get job satisfaction from different factors, such as social interaction with colleagues. Status, that is your professional position, and achievement, doing something well, can be important. Some companies really value their employees and see them as the company’s main asset. Managing people well can lead to better results and higher productivity for the company, but this can be difficult to do. People respond differently to different styles of management. Some organizations give their workers freedom to develop their roles and others don’t.

Key Vocabulary:

1. a salary – зарплата (a monthly payment)

2. motivation –стимул, побуждение

3. job satisfaction – yдовлетворенность работой

4. achievement – достижение

5. social interaction with colleagues – общение с коллегами

6. asset – зд. достояние

7. higher productivity – более высокая производительность

8. styles of management – стили управления

7. Answer the questions.

1. Why do people work?

2. Is money the only motivation why people work?

3. What factors are important for the people to get job satisfaction?

4. Why is it difficult to manage people well?

5. Why do some organizations give their workers freedom?

6. Money for nothing? Money is an important factor when people choose a job.Say which are the best and worst paid jobs in Britain?

1.A nurse in a hospital a) highly paid job
2. a miner in the coalmine b) get a good salary
3.a shop assistant c) overpaid
4. a worker in a factory d)get a lot of money
5. a bank manager e) paid a lot
6. a dentist f) paid reasonably well
7.a schoolteacher g) a low-paid job
8. a nuclear scientist h) have a low income
  i) underpaid
  j) the worst paid

6. Some jobs are considered to be more suitable for men and others for women. Read the text below and answer two questions:

1) Do you think this is true?

2). What do you think about Ann Bostock? Does she have a women’s profession?

When Ann Bostock joined British Airways as a pilot in the summer of 1976, she was their first woman pilot. Her father and brother took up flying as a hobby, and she got her private pilot’s licence after graduating from Oxford. While she studied for her commercial pilot’s licence she worked as a flying inspector and then as an air-taxi.

7. Which of the following would motivate you to work harder? Choose your top five and rank them in order of priority. Which ones have you experienced? Consult your dictionary if you need to.

Bonus more responsibility working for a successful company

bigger salary threat of redundancy a better working environment

demanding boss hard-working boss promotion opportunities

praise good colleagues perks or fringe benefits

8. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the seven most important. Is there anything missing from the list? Useful language will help you.

age/sex family background personality(character)

appearance handwriting qualifications

astrological sign hobbies references

contacts and connections intelligence sickness record

experience marital status blood group

Useful language:

I think that first comes…



After that…

And last …

9. The interviewers should look for three qualities:

a) intelligence and ability b) emotional stability c) conscientiousness

Do you agree? Explain your opinion.

10. Study the adjectives below. What other words can you add? Use your dictionary to help you. Work in pairs. Make up the dialogue, using the adjectives and the useful language below.

astute bright calm clever easy-going hard-working moody neurotic punctual quick-tempered reliable responsible sharp slow

Useful language:

Experience: Interviewer Candidate

What did you learn I learned to …

from your last job? Well, I had a problem with …

What didn’t you like about

your last job?

Skills: What are you good at? People say that I am good at …

Do you have any special skills? My main strengths are …

Future plans: What do you want to do My main aim is to …

in the future? I plan to be …

Where do you want to be I hope to have …

In ten years’ time?

Interests: What do you do in your free time? I really enjoy …

What are your main interests? I spend a lot of time …

11. Interview skills. Work in pairs. Decide which of these interview tips are more for interviewers and which are more for candidates.

· Be completely honest at all times.

· Try to help the candidate to relax.

· Always wear your best clothes.

· Do not ask a lot of questions to which people can answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

· Listen carefully and make a lot of notes.

· Arrive half an hour early for the interview.

· Ask a difficult question at the beginning of the interview.

· Get an expensive haircut.

12. Match the job interview questions 1 to 5 with their answers a) to e)

1. How many jobs have you had since leaving university? a) I now have more responsibility and work longer hours.
2. Why have you changed jobs so often? b) Well, I lead the sales team. I’m also chair- person of a local business association.
3.What have you done that shows leadership? c) I wanted to earn more money.
4. In what ways has your job changed since you joined the company? d) Well, the boss in my last company wasn’t easy to work with.  
5. Have you ever worked with a difficult person? e) I’ve worked for six companies.

13. Speaking. Choose six factors which are important for you. Compare them with your partner. Say why they are important for you.

Factors considered when choosing your first job:

I want to:

enjoy my job

like the people I work with

have enough money to afford the things I enjoy

receive training

have a good social life

have the opportunity to take professional qualifications

work for a respected company

have a position of responsibility

have job security

have a lot of freedom at work

not have to work overtime or at weekends

have a job that will take me abroad


1. to afford –позволить себе(финансово)

2. a position of responsibility – ответственная должность

3. to respect – уважать

4. job security –гарантия того, что вы не потеряете работу

5. to work overtime- работать сверхурочно (за доп. плату)

14. NOTES. Study them and do exercises.

- We often use responsible for/in charge of for a part of something, e.g. a department or some of the workers; and run for control of all of something, e.g. a company, a shop, a course.

- People may ask you about your job. They can ask and you can answer in different ways: match the questions on the left with the answers on the right.

What do you do? I'm a banker/an engineer/a builder. (I'm + 'a(n)' + job)

What's your job? I work in a bank/marketing, (work in + place or type of work)

What do you do for a living? I work for UnionBank/Fiat. (work for + name of company)

(= I'm employed by Union Bank/Fiat, etc.)

- When people ask you to explain your job, they want to know your responsibilities (= your duties/what you have to do), or something about your daily routine (= what you do every day). They can ask like this: What does that involve? (= What do you do in your job?)

General duties/responsibilities

I'm in charge of/responsible for security in the factory. (= the place where a product is made)

I deal with/handle customer complaints. (= take all necessary action when customers are unhappy)

I run the coffee bar in the museum. (= I am in control of it/I manage it)

Daily duties/routines

I have to go to/attend a lot of meetings.

I visit/see/meet clients. (= people I do business with, who pay for my service)

I advise clients. (= give them help and my opinion)

My job involves travelling. [Notice the -ing form after involve.]

- Working hours.

For many people in Britain, working hours are 8.30-9.00 am to 5.00—5.30 pm, so people often talk about a nine-to-five job (= regular working hours). Some people do flexitime (= they can start work earlier or finish later); and some do shiftwork (= work at different times, e.g. during the day one week, at night the next). Some people work/do overtime. (= work extra hours for more money)

- Pay and conditions

Most workers are paid (= receive money) every month. This is called a salary. We can also use the verbs earn/make, e.g. I earn/make $60,000 a year. (= My salary is $60,000 a year.) Some people are paid for the hours they work. The lowest amount for one hour's work is called the minimum wage. This amount is decided by the government.

With most jobs you get 4-6 weeks' paid holiday; you also get sick pay. (= pay when you are ill)

The total amount of money you receive in a year, is called your i ncome. This could be your salary from one job, or the salary from two different jobs. You have to pay part of your income to the government; this is called income tax.

15. Match words on the left and right to form compound nouns or phrases.

1 nine-to- a time

2 working b tax

3 flexi- c wage

4 income d five

5 minimum e hours

16. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right. Use each verb once only.

1 earn a overtime

2 work b meetings

3 deal with c a shop

4 attend d complaints

5 run e Ј2,000 a month

17. Rewrite these sentences starting with the words given. The meaning must stay the same.

Example I'm a banker.

I work in banking.

1 What do you do?


2 I'm employed by the government.

I work.........................

3 I earn $50,000.


4 I get $20,000 from my teaching job and another $10,000 from writing.
My total........................

5 In my job I look after all the computers in the building.
My job involves........................

6 I'm responsible for one of the departments.
I'm in..........................

18.This is part of a conversation with a teacher about her job. Write the missing questions.

A:.....................................? B: I start at nine and finish at four.

A:.....................................? B: Yes, a bit. On certain courses I work until 5.30.

A:....................................? B: 12 weeks. That's one of the good things.

A:.....................................? B: Yes, we do, but we have to have a doctor's note.

1 Do workers normally get paid holidays? If so, how many days do they usually get?

2 Is there a minimum wage decided by the government? If so, how much is it?

3 What jobs often involve shiftwork in your country? (Give at least two examples.)


Focus: Interviewing for a job

Grammar skills: The use of indirect questions and the Conditionals.

Skills: choosing the right candidate

1. Read the text and do the exercises.

An employer has several options to consider when he wants to hire a new employee. First of all, he may look within his own company. But if he can’t find anybody suitable for the position he will have to look outside the company. If there is a personnel office in the company, he can ask them to help him to find a qualified applicant. The employer can also use another valuable sources, for example, employment agencies, consulting firms, placement offices and professional societies. He can also advertise in a newspaper or in a magazine and request candidates to send in resumes or CVs.

The employer has two sets of qualifications to consider if he wants to choose from among the applicants. He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s education, experience and skills are included in his professional qualifications. These can be listed on a resume. Personal characteristics, or personality traits must be evaluated through interviews.


1. an option – выбор

2. an employer –работодатель, наниматель

3. an employee –служащий, работающий по найму

4. to consider- рассматривать, принимать во внимание

5. to be suitable for the position –соответствовать должности

6. Personnel Office – Отдел кадров

7. valuable source –ценный источник

8. employment agency –агентство по найму

9. two sets of qualifications –два вида характеристик

10. to evaluate through interviews- оценивать через интервью

11. a trait – особенность, свойство

12. to evaluate – оценивать, ить

1. Comprehension Questions:

1. Which options should an employer consider when he wants to hire a new employee?

2. What service does Personnel Department provide?

3. How can the new employees be found outside the company?

4. What qualifications does the employer consider in choosing an employee?

5. What is meant by ‘professional qualification’ for a job?

6. What personal characteristics does the employer take into account when choosing an employee?

2. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.

a) to advertise, b) resume, c) employee, d) applicant, e) qualification, f) Personnel Office, g) personal

1. We are going to interview three … for the position.

2. If you need applicants for this position, … in a special section of the local newspaper.

3. Personnel Office will help you find a new ….

4. All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in ….

5. She has a good … for the position: a university degree, excellent work experience.

6. If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your ….

7. Don’t ask him… questions, it will be impolite.

3. Translate into English:

1. Его должность в компании очень важна.

2. Работодатель ставит цели, принимает на работу, увольняет.

3. Руководитель этой команды – очень талантливый программист.

4. Кандидаты на должность должны прислать СV и пройти собеседование.

5. Кандидаты на должность должны иметь хорошую теоретическую подготовку и знание иностранных языков.

6. Вам будет предложена достойная зарплата и социальный пакет.

4. Every applicant should distinguish between the following notions which somehow reveal similarity. Do you know the difference between them: study the definitions and make up sentences using these words.

1. A wage is a regular payment for work done, usually weekly.

2. A salary is a fixed regular payment to employees, usually monthly or yearly.

3. A perk is money or/and goods given as a right in addition to one’s salary or wages.

4. A bonus is an extra payment over and above salary given to an employee as an incentive or reward.

5. A CV(curriculum vitae) is a brief account of somebody’s previous career.

6. An application form is a form listing qualifications and personal details which somebody completes to apply for a post.

7. To appoint means to choose somebody for a job.

8. To apply for means to make a formal request.

9. To fire means to dismiss.

10. To be made redundant means to be dismissed from a job because one is no longer needed.

11. A post is the same as a position.

12. A vacancy refers to an unfilled position.

13. Experienced means having knowledge gained through working.

14. Trained means having practical skills in doing sth

15. Full-time means working a complete normal working week.

16. Part-time means working less than a complete normal working week.

What is:

a) a wage and a salary?

b) a perk and a bonus?

c) a CV and an application form?

d) to appoint and to apply for?

e) to fire and to be made redundant?

f) a post and a vacancy?

g) experienced and trained?

h) full-time and part-time?

5. Choose the correct word:

1. My friend is an engineer; he gets a wage/salary of $45,000 a year.

2. The perks/bonuses of this job include a company car, a mobile phone and language training.

3. When you come for your interview, don’t forget to bring a copy of your CV/application form.

4. If you want to appoint /apply for the job, you should write to the company immediately.

5. I was made fired/redundant when the company closed down.

6. My friend is a(n) experienced/trained engineer; he has worked for several engineering companies since he left University.

6. Read the dialogue. What questions do you think an interviewer and an applicant could ask at a job interview? Write at least five questions for each of them.

The dialogue “A Job Interview”.

Interviewer: Hello, Miss Jones. Thank you for coming. Please, sit down.

Miss Jones: Thank you.

Interviewer: Firstly, where did you see the advert for this position?

Miss Jones: I saw it in last Friday’s Evening Post.

Interviewer: Now, have you brought your CV with you?

Miss Jones: Yes, here you are.

Interviewer: Thank you. Could you tell me a bit about your qualifications?

Miss Jones: I have a University degree (engineering).

Interviewer: Fine. Could you tell me about any relevant experience you have?

Miss Jones: Yes. I worked at Francobank as a programmer.

Interviewer: Would you mind telling me why you left?

Miss Jones: Well, the salary was fairly good, but there were no promotion prospects, so I decided to resign and look for something more


Interviewer: I see. Now, if you were to be offered a position, would you be able to

start straight away?

Miss Jones: Yes, of course.

Interviewer: Excellent. Now, is there anything you would like to know about us?

Miss Jones: Yes, I have a few questions. Could you please tell me what the

working hours will be?

Interviewer: Of course. The normal office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with an hour for lunch. But we are quite flexible about this.

Miss Jones: That sounds fine. Could you tell me what salary I might expect?

Interviewer: Well, the starting salary is $750 a month before tax. After six months salary increases by ten per cent.

Miss Jones: Oh, that sounds good.

Interviewer: Well, do you have any more questions you’d like to ask?

Miss Jones: No, I don’t think so. When could I expect to hear from you?

Interviewer: We have a few more people to see, but we hope to reach a decision by Friday. We’ll be in touch by the end of the week.

Miss Jones: Thank you for your time. Good-bye.

Interviewer: Good-bye. And thank you.

7. Reproduce the situation in which the following words and expressions can be found in the dialogue “A Job Interview”.

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