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The Infinitive. 14.State the forms and functions of the infinitive

14.State the forms and functions of the infinitive.

In summer we had practical training at large machine –building plant. We had heard the plant to be equipped with most modern machinery. We knew of the machinery to be capable of producing huge components for the machine tools to produce machinery. To improve productivity, product quality and working conditions to say nothing of reducing cost, groups of machine tools have been integrated into lines by automatic handling devices. These lines, known as “transfer machines”, are considered to be the most advanced development of modern industrial engineering. Our aim was to watch them perform the machining of various parts to be used for the fabrication of all kinds of machines and machine tools. Among the machinery to be fabricated from parts processed on transfer machines mention may be made of engines, turbines, pumps, huge components, for rolling mills, lathes, forging and pressing machines etc. We know the largest billets being machined to have been supplied from a rolling mill or a forge.

15.Analyse the infinitive groups and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Scientists expect the high altitude rockets to become powerful research laboratories for the exploration of the expanses of the universe.

2. One of the problems which confronted the constructors of rockets was to overcome their turning over and over in space.

3. To overcome the lack of stability of the rockets at high altitudes some of the rockets have been fitted with stable platforms which are to keep them facing the Sun by means of photo electric cell and servo –mechanism.

4. The rotation of the rocket about its axis caused by slight irregularities in the fins, which are provided to keep it head-on to its direction of motion has been found very useful in the rockets to be used for the observation of the sun.

5. Cosmic rays have been observed to end their paths from outer in violent nuclear collisions, the latter being known to take place high above the earth.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 598 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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