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England and Wales. The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary (and sometimes sits as a judge in the House of Lords): he is concerned with court procedure and is

The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary (and sometimes sits as a judge in the House of Lords): he is concerned with court procedure and is responsible for the administration of all courts other than magis­trates' and coroners' courts, and for a number of administrative tribu­nals. He appoints magistrates, and has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice schemes. He is also responsible for the administration of civil law reform.

The Home Secretary is concerned with the criminal law, the police service, prisons, and the probation and after-care service; and has gener­al supervision over magistrates' court, together with some specific re­sponsibilities (such as approving the appointment of justices' clerks). Prison policy and the administration of custodial centres are functions of the Home Office Prison Department, and the Home Secretary appoints to each prison establishment a Board of Visitors representing the local community who need to satisfy themselves as to the state of prison premises, administration and treatment of inmates. They are required to report to the Home Secretary any abuse or matter of concern which comes to their attention. Boards have disciplinary powers in relation to serious breaches of discipline and hear applications or complaints from inmates. The Home Secretary is advised by a special Parole Board on the release of prisoners on licence.

Responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is shared be­tween the Home Office and the Department of Health. The Home Sec­retary is also responsible for advising the Queen on the exercise of the royal prerogative of mercy to pardon a person convicted of a crime or to remit all or part of a penalty imposed by a court.

The Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are the Govern­ment's principal advisers on English law, and represent the Crown in ap­propriate domestic and international cases. They are senior barristers, elected members of the House of Commons and hold ministerial posts. The Attorney-General is also Attorney-General for Northern Ireland. As well as exercising various civil law functions, the Attorney-General has final responsibility for enforcing the criminal law; the Director of Public Prosecutions is subject to the Attorney-General's superintendence. The Attorney-General is concerned with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings, but must exercise an independent discre­tion, and must not be influenced by government colleagues. The Solici­tor-General is, in effect, the deputy of the Attorney-General.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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