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Oral Practice. 9.8.1 Answer the questions on the text "Government Responsibilities"

9.8.1 Answer the questions on the text "Government Responsibilities".

1. What can you say about the judiciary in the United Kingdom?

2. Who recommends the highest judicial appointments to the Crown?

3. What are the Lord Chancellor's functions? May the Lord Chancellor sit as a judge in the House of Lords?

4. What is the Home Secretary concerned with?

5. What is known to you about the functions of the Home Office Prison Department?

6. What do you know about a Board of Visitors? Do they have any dis­ciplinary powers in relation to serious breaches of discipline?

7. What does a special Parole Board on the release of prisoners deal with?

8. What is the way of exercising mercy in England and Wales?

9. What are the main functions of the Attorney-General and the Solici­tor-General?

10. What kind of discretion must the Attorney-General exercise while in­stituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings?

11. Is the Solicitor-General the deputy of the Attorney-General?

12. What can you say about the powers of the Secretary of State for Scot­land?

13. Who is responsible for the composition, staffing and administering of district courts?

14. Who is responsible for legal aid in Scotland?

15. What is known to you about the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor-General for Scotland?

16. Whose responsibility is the administration of all courts in Northern Ireland?

17. What questions does the Secretary of State deal with in Northern Ireland?

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 289 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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