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Vocabulary. 9.4.1 Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text "Government Responsibilities" and translate the given sentences

9.4.1 Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text "Government Responsibilities" and translate the given sentences.

1. responsibility [risponsi'biliti] n (for sb/smth) — 1) відповідальність; 2) обов'язку, зобов'язання

He always shows a sense of responsibility carrying out his duties. His post requires various responsibilities.

responsible adj — 1) відповідальний (to — перед ким-небудь);

2) надійний, гідний довіри; 3) відповідальний, важливий; 4) бути ініціатором, автором чего-л.;5) платоспроможний

All pilots are responsible for their passengers'safety. This person is directly responsible to the President. A drunk man cannot be considered responsible for his actions. They behave like responsible citizens. She holds a highly responsible position. Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer.

irresponsible — безвідповідальний

2. mercy ['mэ:si] n — 1) милість, прощення, помилування;2) милосердя, жаль;

3) удача, щастя

at the mercy of — у владі

They showed mercy to their enemies. He threw himself on my mercy. It's a mercy she wasn't hurt in the accident.

merciful adj (to/towards sb)

She was merciful to the prisoners.

3. draft [dra:ft ] n — проект; юр. складати проект

It is a badly drafted will.

draftsman n — укладач документа, автор законопроекту

It takes time for the draftsmen to make a Parliamentary Bill


Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 294 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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