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Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the form of the Gerund and its function

1. A British police officer is subject to the law and may be sued or pros­ecuted for any wrongful act, committed in carrying out duties.

2. The Government's strategy for dealing with crime is also concerned with ensuring that public confidence in the criminal justice system is maintained and that a proper balance between the rights of the citi­zen and the needs of the community as a whole is maintained.

3. With continuing concern in Britain over rising crime rates, public ex­penditure on the law and order programme reflects the special priori­ty, given by the Government to these services.

4. He was fined for being drunk in charge of a car.

5. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving so badly.

6. He put off making a decision till he had more information.

7. It's no good/use arguing.

8. He was accused of having deserted his ship.

9. The safe showed no signs of having been touched.

10. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 requires arrangements to be made for obtaining the views of people in the area about the po­licing of it and for obtaining their co-operation with the police in preventing crime.

11.The number of civilian support Staff has been growing as forces se­cure economics by replacing police officers with civilians where posts do not require police power and training.

12.The defendant cannot be questioned without consenting to swear as a witness in his or her own defence.

13.The Court of Appeal issues guidance to the lower courts on sentenc­ing issues when points of principle have arisen on individual cases, which are the subject of appeal.

14.The police must caution a person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence before any questions are put for the purpose of obtain­ing evidence.

15. Police may issue cautions, and in Scotland the procurator fiscal may warn, instead of prosecuting.

9.2 First Reading of the Text "Government Responsibilities"

(Skimming Reading) (Text 9.5)

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 427 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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