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Role Play. 8.9.4 Enact in English with roles on the theme, using Fig

8.9.4 Enact in English with roles on the theme, using Fig. 8 "Hearing the Case in a Civil Court".

Situation: The case of establishing affiliation (установлення батьківства) and paying maintenance (виплати аліментів) is heard in the county court of Lancashire.

Two women accidentally found out that they were simultaneously in the common-law marriage (у цивільному шлюбі, юридично не оформленому) with one and the same man, Mr Peter Bradley, a well-to-do banker. As they state, both of them have a child from him.

The court considers claims/suits (позови) of both women. The first woman's claim is to make their marriage legal (узаконити шлюб) in court order, to admit Mr Bradley's paternity (визнати батьківство) of her child.

The other woman's claim is to admit Mr Bradley's paternity of her child and to prescribe paying proper maintenance of £1500 per month...

Play participants: Peter Darby, county judge

Dr Frank Stevens, the plaintiffs' barrister

Ted Carter, the defendant's barrister

Mary Graham and Dora West, plaintiffs

Mr Peter Bradley, defendant

Mr Brick, Count magistrate (from the community)

Taking part in the play as acting characters of a civil case, give proof of your point of view, in particular:

a) Barrister Ted Carter insists on complete satisfying his clients' demands and also insists on Mr Bradlev's moral public blame (осудження) possibly some other kind of responsibility. Ted Carter gives his arguments...

b) Plaintiff Mary Graham is not so aggressive and she thinks her claim may be satisfied with admitting the paternity by the defendant. She is ready to forgive (простити) him and even register officially (узаконити, оформити) their matrimony in future...

c) Plaintiff Dora West is in an aggressive mood and, in addition to legal claims, she insists on punishing the defendant... mainly, prescribing paying maintenance of £1500 per month...

d) Defendant Mr Peter Bradley agrees/does not agree to satisfy the mate­rial claims of the plaintiffs (or of one of them). He admits/denies the paternity of Mary Graham's daughter. He denies Dora West's claim/ suit and demands a medical examination (експертиза) concerning establishing his paternity of Dora West's daughter...

Fig. 8 Hearing the Case in a Civil Court

1. county judge 5,6. plaintiffs

2. plaintiffs' barrister 7. magistrate

3. defendant's barrister 8. court secretary

4. defendant

e) Ted Carter, the defendant's barrister, insists on his client's behalf on a medical examination in order to identify the paternity according to Dora West's suit. His arguments are the following: some new facts have been found out that Dora West was intimate with several men, including an employee of the National Bank, where Mr Bradley works... Taking into account a number of facts, Ted Carter agrees to satisfy Mary Graham's claim, but as to Dora West's suit, the barrister asks the court to hold an extra inquiry (провести додаткове розслідування)...

f) County judge Peter Darby asks the plaintiffs, the defendant, the barris­ters a number of questions and makes a decision:

1. To satisfy / not to satisfy Mary Graham's claim...;

2. not to satisfy Dora West's suit and to make an extra medical exami­nation in order to establish paternity of her daughter by Mr Brad­ley/to hold an extra hearing in a month/to satisfy the suit partially...

g) Mr Brick held a press conference after the court sitting and stated his general approval of the decision of the county court and also marked Mr Bradley's behaviour was morally wrong...


Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 305 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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