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Replacing traveleers checks

A.: Did you get your checks replaced?

B.: Yes, but it was complicated. I went to the office downtown and they told me I had to call New York before they could do anything. So they let me use their phone - it was a toll-free number. The woman asked me how much I’d lost and what the check numbers were. Thank God I had them written down.

A.: Well, that doesn’t sound so bad.

B.: But it’s not the whole story. She wanted to know where I bought the checks and if I had any ID. I gave her my passport number. Then she gave me a “file number” and told me where the nearest refund office was. I told her I was already there. Then she wanted to talk to the agent. After they hung up, I had to fill out a form with all the same information on it. Then finally the agent okayed the thing, after her supervisor had initialed it, and I got my checks.

A.: Well, at least it didn’t cost you anything.

B.: You’re right, and if I hadn’t had the numbers, it could’ve been a lot more complicated.

A.: Would you cash these travelers checks, please?

B.: How would you like them?

A.: In ten-dollar bills, please.

B.: Is there anything else?

A.: Yes, I’d like to know how to send money to France.

A.: Could you change these for me, please?

B.: What would you like?

A.: Twenties and some smaller bills, please.

B.: Anything else?

A.: Yes. Could you tell me my balance? Here’s my account number.

Here are some words to help you check your understanding of the dialogues. You should know the bold words to make your communication easier.

bill (n): paper money

break (v): to give smaller bills or coins in exchange for a larger one

cash (v): to exchange a check (or other order to pay) for cash

complicated (adj.): not simple

change (n): coins

dime (n): (US) coin worth 10 cents

exchange rate (n): the value of money of one country or the cost of buying currency from another country

file number (n): an official number recorded when information is being collected on a person

ID, identification (n): an official paper that proves who a person is

initial (v): to write your initials

nickel (n): (US) coin worth 5 cents

okay (v): to approve

quarter (n): (US) coin worth 25 cents

refund (v): to give back a customer’s money when he returns merchandise that he is not satisfied with for some reason, e. g. bad quality, wrong size, etc.

replace (v): to put something back or exchange something for full value

supervisor (n): a person in charge of others; a boss

telex (n): - teleprinter

toll (n): a charge made for a long-distance call

toll-free (adj.): without a toll

travelers checks (n): prepaid insured bank «checks» that can be used as or exchanged for cash. They are safer than cash because, if lost or stolen, they can be replaced.


Find English equivalents.

1. Я бы хотел восстановить мои дорожные чеки. a) Can I use your phone?
2. Это бесплатный номер? b) Where is the nearest refund office?
3. У вас есть удостоверение личности? c) Do you have any ID?
4. Не могли бы вы сообщить мне номер вашего паспорта? d) How much did it cost you?
5. Где ближайшая касса возврата? e) I’d like to get my checks replaced.
6. Могу я воспользоваться вашим телефоном? f) Is it a toll-free number?
7. Сколько это тебе стоило? g) May I have your passport number?

Look at the sentences (a-e) below and put the conversation in order.

a) How do you want them?

b) Yes, I’d like to open an account.

c) It doesn’t matter.

d) Could I change these pounds for dollars, please?

e) Do you want anything else?

At the Airport

Read the conversation. Try to memorize it.

A: Can I check in for the British Airways flight to New York?

B: Yes, sir. May I see your ticket and your passport?

A: Here you are.

B: That’s fine. Can you put your suitcase on the scales, please?

A: Of course. How much does it weigh?

B: 24 kilos. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay an excess baggage charge.

A: Oh, it’s only four kilos overweight.

B: Yes, sir, that’s £8... Thank you.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 205 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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