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At a tourist information center

ATTENDANT: Hi! What can I do for you?

TOURIST: Well, I’m trying to find Rocky Mountain National Park, but I haven’t seen any signs, so I’m not sure this is the right road.

A: It sure is. It’s well marked starting on the far side of town. After that, just follow the signs. You can’t miss it.

T: Thanks very much.

A: Sure. Have a nice day!

Here are some words to help you check your understanding of the dialogues. You should know the bold words to make your communication easier.

advance (adj.): earlier than usual, before

excursion fare (n): a round trip fare at a reduced price

fare (n): the price charged for transportation

jiffy (n): a moment

qualify (v): to fit the requirements

restriction (n): limit; limitation

timetable (n): a schedule showing arrival and departure times of trains and buses

via (prep.): by way of

wash basin (n): a small sink where you can wash your hands and face.


Find English equivalents.

1. Я бы хотел получить информацию о … a) Have you got any change?
2. Сколько времени требуется, чтобы добраться туда? b) Just follow the signs.
3. Вы будете бронировать? c) The phones are over there.
4. Следите за знаками. d) I’d like some information about…
5. Телефоны вон там. e) You can’t miss it.
6. Я не уверен, что это нужная дорога. f) How long does it take to get there?
7. У вас есть мелочь? g) Are you ready to make a reservation?
8. Вы не проедете мимо. h) I’m not sure this is the right road.

Look at the sentences (a-h) below and put the conversation in order.

a) Shall I pay you now?

b) Yes, sir. There are a few seats left.

c) How long does the whole excursion take?

d) That’s right.

e) Have you got any seats left for the Stratford excursion?

f) If you don’t mind, sir.

g) Approximately ten hours, sir.

h) Is that the one that goes to Oxford as well?

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 274 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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