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Remember the Language for. Expressing approval, appreciation, compliments, praise

Expressing approval, appreciation, compliments, praise

You look wonderful (fine, smart) today. It does you credit. Well put. It speaks for itself. Nothing like it! It’s the very thing to do! It’s fair (enough). Keep it up! You’ve made a good job of it. So much the better. Good for you! That’ll do. A point to you. Good idea! That’s the spirit!


  It’s very nice of you to say so. I appreciate your concern for me. I must say the same of you. You’re flattering me. I’m glad you like(d) it.  


I. React to the statements given below

1. He’ll never fail you. 2. She’s got brains and charming manners too. 3.He’s always as good as his word. 4. Let’s put our heads together. 5. I give you a free hand. 6. You can consult him on any subject. 7.I’d like to hear what he’s got to say. 8. Don’t worry! I’ll handle the whole thing myself. 9. He’s the kind of man you can always rely on. 10. It’s been a pleasure to work with you.

II.Express your appreciation and admiration if somebody …

looks fine, did something very well, has a nice dress on, did something for you, has acted wisely, said something nice, suggests something you like, did something better than usual.



Find English equivalents

1.Ничего не может быть лучше! a)It speaks for itself.

2.Это справедливо. b) Well put!

3.Я тоже самое должен сказать о c)It’s the very thing to do


4.Хорошо сказано! d)Nothing like it!

5.Вы мне льстите. e)It’s fair.

6.Это делает вам честь. f) You’re flattering me.

g)I appreciate you concern for

7.Правильно! Так и надо me.

поступать. h)I must say the same of you.

8.Это говорит само за себя. i) It does you credit.

9.Спасибо за участие, которое вы j) You’ve made a good job of it.

во мне принимаете.

10.Вы хорошо с этим справились.

Disapproval, dissatisfaction

Неодобрение, недовольство

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