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How to order a meal at a small restaurant

George: Hmm, there’s not much on the menu here. The beef-steak sounds good, though.

Becky: Yes, it does, but I think I’m just going to have a sandwich today. Maybe even just half of one.

Waitress: Are you ready to order?

G.: Yes, I think so.

W.: Do you want that on separate checks?

G.: Oh, no, one’ll be fine. It’s on me today, Becky.

B.: Well - thanks, George. I’ll treat you next time. Uh, I’ll take half a French dip sandwich - go easy on the mayo - and I’ll have a cup of coffee with cream.

G.: And I’ll have the beef-steak.

W.: Okay. Anything to drink?

G.: What kind of beer do you have?

W.: We have Schlitz on tap, and Löwenbräu, Budweiser in bottles.

G.: A glass of Schlitz, please.

W.: Okay, and what kind of dressing would you like on your salad, ma’am? We have French, Thousand Island and blue cheese.

B.: Blue cheese’ll be fine.

W.: Okay, thank you.

Here are some words to help you check your understanding of the dialogues. You should know the bold words to make your communication easier.

bill (n): a record of what the customer must pay

check (n): a bill at a restaurant

course (n): one of the several parts of a meal (e. g. soup, fish, dessert)

main course (n): the most important course of a meal

dessert (n): a course of fruit, etc. at the end of a meal

dressing (n): a combination of salad oil and other ingredients to put on salad

French dip: thinly sliced cuts of roast-beef layered on a French roll, with green salad and chips

French fries: chips

house wine (n): restaurant’s own wine

mayo (n): short for “mayonnaise”

menu (n): a list of courses or dishes that are available in a restaurant

muffin (n): light, flat, round cake, usually eaten hot with butter

rare (adj.): only cooked a little; underdone

speciality (n): a particular dish for which a restaurant is well - known

starter (n): first course of a meal

on tap: taken from a large container, not from a bottle

treat (v): to pay for someone’s meal or drink

waiter (n): a man who serves food, etc. in a restaurant

well-done: well cooked


Find English equivalents.

1. Здесь не очень большой выбор. a) I’ll treat you next time.
2. Вы готовы сделать заказ? b) That sounds good. I’ll have the same.
3. Я хочу апельсиновый сок. c) It’s on me.
4. Мы бы хотели раздельные счета. d) There is not much on the menu here.
5. Плачу я. e) I feel like having an orange juice.
6. Следующий раз я угощаю. f) Are you ready to order?
7. Какую приправу вы бы хотели к салату? g) What kind of dressing would you like on your salad?
8. Звучит неплохо. Мне то же самое. h) We’d like separate checks.

Look at the sentences (a-e) below and put the conversation in order.

a) Yes, coffee would be fine.

b) What are you going to have?

c) Sounds great. I think I’ll have the same.

d) Can I get you anything to drink?

e) I’ll try a cheese sandwich.

At a Hotel

Read the conversation. Try to memorize it.

Guest: I’d like to check-in.

Reception Clerk: Do you have a reservation?

G.: Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last week.

R. c.: Your name, please.

G.: Smith, John Smith.

R. c.: Let me see. You have a reservation for a single room. Is that correct?

G.: Perfectly correct.

R. c.: How long are you going to stay?

G.: At least till Wednesday. But I may stay longer than that. When should I inform you about it?

R. c.: Let us know about your decision Tuesday night. And now, please, fill in the registration card. Print your name and home address.

G.: Should I sign my name?

R. c.: Put your signature right here. The checkout time is one o’clock in the afternoon. Room service is available from 6 a. m to 10 p. m. You can dial your order from the telephone in your room.

G.: Thank you for the information.

R. c.: You are welcome. Your room is 215. Enjoy your stay.

G.: Thanks.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 397 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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