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Find in the story the sentences to prove the following ideas

Yes or No

1) Jane thinks that traveling is thrilling.

2) Jane likes to spend her holidays traveling.

3) Jane thinks that doing hundreds of preparations is rather boring.

4) Jane never misses a chance to go somewhere.

5) Jane likes to travel by train more than to travel by plane.

6) Jane thinks that traveling is good only because it is fun.

2. 1.4 Search in the girl’s opinion which would be the best continuation of the following sentences

1) Traveling is the best way to …

2) You should think about many things, such as … …. while getting ready for a journey.

3) Traveling by train is fantastic because ….

4) Flying is thrilling because ….

5) Traveling isn’t a fun only, but a learning experience also, because …

2.1.5 Look in Jane’s opinion for the ideas to prove that

- traveling takes a lot of time and efforts;

- traveling by train is exciting;

- traveling by plane is thrilling;

- traveling is fun

2.1.6 Taking into consideration the girl’s opinion about traveling, choose the best title to her story and say why you have chosen it

1) Traveling is fun.

2) To travel or not to travel?

3) Traveling is the best way to spend time.

4) Traveling by train is fantastic.

2. 1.7 Tell your mates what Jane thinks about traveling. The following model may help you

- Jane thinks that …

- First of all, for example …

- She also likes … because …

- That is why …

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 512 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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