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A House of My Dream

Задача. Сформувати базу даних Excel, заповнити базу даних за допомогою форми даних, провести розрахунки за вказаними формулами, вибрати та помістити в цільову область дані про товари зі складу 02, в яких залишок на початок місяця (кількість) більше, ніж 0,0.

Дані про рух товарів на складі КСП за жовтень 1998 р.

№ складу Назва товару Ціна, грн Кількість, кг Сума
Залишок на початок Надход-ження Витра-ти Залишок на кінець Залишок на початок Надход-ження Витрати Залишок на кінець
Гр1 Гр. 2 Гр. 3 Гр. 4 Гр. 5 Гр. 6 Гр. 7 Гр. 8 Гр. 9 Гр. 10 Гр. 11
  Яловичина 1,8                
  Свинина 2,7                
  Гречка 1,1                
  Олія 2,1                
  Баранина 1,2                
  Мед 3,0                
  Цукор 0,85                

Гр.7=Гр.4+Гр.5-Гр.6; Гр.8=Гр.3*Гр.4; Гр.9=Гр.3*Гр.5; Гр.10=Гр.3*Гр.6; Гр.11=Гр.3*Гр.7.



Say these words and word combinations aloud. Underline the stressed syllables

Image, ideal house, the house of their dreams, a perfect house, childhood, to be brought up, to feel oneself comfortable and welcome, cosy, quite, an arbour, bench, a lawn, a playing yard, to sit around, a mansion, an isolated place, columns, tower, gates, ancient, mysterious, the top-floor, kitchen equipment, not to be much of a hostess, a rancho, the cattle-yard, to take care of, serenity.

Read and translate the text

A House of My Dream

Are you proud of house you live in? If your answer is "Yes", then you are really a lucky person. But very often it happens so that people don't like the house they live in. That's why in their dreams they often have an image of an ideal house, the house of their dreams

"What is the house of your dream?"- it is a question that several people were asked and here are their answers.

Irene: For me, it's absolutely easy to say what my idea of a perfect house is. I've been dreaming about it since my childhood. I was brought up in such a house. This is the house my parents have.

My house should be my home, first of all. I mean it should be a place where I feel comfortable and welcome. I dream about a cosy house in a centre of a small quite town, not very big but large enough for me and my family. I think it should be the place where I feel comfortable and welcome. I think it should be a house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, a sitting-room, and a big dining-room with a large table. I like to have guests and to treat them on something tasty - that's what I need a big dining-room for.

I would also like to have a small garden with flowers and fruit trees, with an arbour and some comfortable benches. There should also be a lawn and a playing yard for children. I'd also like to have a fire­place in the house to sit around it with my husband and children. Isn't it great?

Natalie: Well, let me think about my ideal house... It should be large, first of all... a mansion, I think, somewhere in an isolated place, two- or three-storeyed building with a balcony, columns and the things like that. It's even better if it looks like a castle with towers and gates, and high walls. It's so romantic! Plenty of rooms, staircases, attic and basement. It would be great if it was a real old house where ghosts lived, like in fairy-tales. I could feel there a princess. But there should be, of course, all those modern conveniences like central heating, electricity, cold and hot water, gas and telephone. The furniture should be also ancient, expensive and dark. And I'll have two Doberman dogs, of course. It'll add much to the style.

There should be something mysterious about it. Yes, I think that's the house of my dream, the place I'd like to live in, isn't it great?

Jane: A house I'd like to live in? No, I'd better call it a flat. If you have a house of your own you have to take care of it. It's easier to live in a flat, somewhere in the centre of a city, in a skyscraper on the top-floor. Well, yes, I think it'll be fantastic!

It shouldn't be very large: just a bedroom, a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom and a large living-room. There should be enough places for parties. I like to have parties with dancing, music and snacks. The more people will come the better. So I'll need plenty of space for guests. There should also be as much kitchen equipment as possible to safe my time and effort. I'm not much of a hostess.

If I had a flat like that I'd be really happy, wouldn't I?

George: A house of my dream? Well, it would be a farm or a rancho, I think. It'll be situated near a forest, a river or a lake. You know, I like nature. The house should be a simple one, not very big, but with a large yard and fields around. I don't need all the modern conveniences, for I won't spend much time in there.

I'd like to have some cottages or cabins also to have some rest when I get tired. There should be a garden also to grow fruit and vegetables. But the main thing is the cattle-yard, the place I can keep cows, sheep, horses and pigs in. I like animals and I like to take care of them. There should also be five or seven dogs to live with me. Dogs are my favourite animals: they are so clever and kind! And that's practically all I want. Nature, animals and serenity - these are the only things I long for. Isn't it terrific?

1.1.3 Find in the opinions the sentences to prove that…

1. Irene wants to live in a house which is similar to the house where her parents live. 2. Irene wants to live in the house with her family.3. Irene wants to live in a very comfortable house. 4. Irene wants to live in a small house with a garden and a lawn. 5. Natalie wants to live in a very old and expensive house. 6. Natalie likes mystery and fairy-tales. 7. Natalie wants to live in a house with modern conveniences. 8. Natalie likes everything to be stylish. 9. Jane wants everything to be simple. 10. Jane doesn't want to live in a house of her own.
11. Jane likes parties. 12. Jane likes to have a lot of guests. 13. George likes nature very much. 14. George likes to spend time in a village. 15. George likes animals very much. 16. George is a very modish people.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 696 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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