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My Home Is My Castle

Kate: What is home for me? I can say that my home is my best place in the world. It's a place where I can always meet love and sincerity of my relatives. Only there I can find kindness of my mother and understanding of my father. To me being at home always means being with my family who cares me and supports me when I need it.

People say "East or West, home is best" and I completely agree with them. Wherever I am, I always feel lonely and miserable, because I can't stay far from home for a long time.

I can't even imagine being far from my parents, as it is very difficult for me to do without their help and respect. You know, I'm happy only when we are together. Only then I feel desirable, for I know that they also need my attention and sympathy.

I don't understand people who say that for them home is just a roof over their heads. Can it be true? I guess not, because I think that a real home is a place where you feel cosy and safe, otherwise it is not home.

Natalie: What is home? I know that when people say "home" they mean their family first of all. I think that they are right. I also believe that home is the place where I can find care and attention of my parents. I need them very much, especially when I am in a trouble, because I think that they are always the first people to help me.

I like my home because I was born and brought up there and my dearest people live in that place. But now when I am grown-up enough to live in my own I think that I need more independence and freedom. I am grown-up enough to make my own decisions and to build a home of my own.

I think of a place where I can have rest and stay alone, for only the feeling of independence can make me happy and comfortable at home. I am thankful to my people for their understanding and attention, but my idea of home is a little bit different from my relatives. And this is the only reason I'd like to live in my own.

Mark: Home? To my mind home is just a house you live in. It's simply a roof over my head and a place where I sleep and eat. Some people say that their homes are the only places they feel comfortable in. I can't agree with them.

My home is like a cage for me, where I'm not allowed to do what I really want. I can't say that my parents are cruel and rude with me, but they live their own lives and are not very much interested in mine. My parents never pay attention to me and they don't understand my soul. What's more I never feel desirable at home, because I know that they ignore me very often.

I try to spend at home as little time as possible. I like to be with my friends, because I know that they need me. My home is the last place I want to be in, because I feel lonely there. It's not a home; it's just a place where I live.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 543 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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