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Mind that sometimes several answers are possible

Kate thinks that traveling is … because …

- one should think about tickets

- one should pack a lot of things

- one should think about a place to go

- one should be very careful

- one should spend a lot of money

- one should plan everything in advance

- one should never forget about danger

- one should always deal with a lot of paper work

- one should spend a lot of time in buses, trains or planes

- one can meet a lot of strangers

- one can get into trouble

- one can’t be left alone

- one can’t do what he/she wants

- one can’t enjoy his/her loneliness

- one can’t go whenever he/she wants

1. Kate thinks that traveling is dangerous, because …

2. Kate thinks that traveling is expensive, because …

3. Kate thinks that traveling is troublesome, because …

4. Kate thinks that traveling is boring, because …

5. Kate thinks that traveling is tiresome, because …

6. Kate thinks that traveling is risky, because …

7. Kate thinks that traveling is annoying, because …

8. Kate thinks that traveling is dull, because …

9. Kate thinks that traveling is costly, because …

2.2.6 Find in the story Kate’s idea about traveling. Tell your mates about it. The following model may help you

1) Kate believes that … for example…

2) Although they say …

3) Kate thinks that …

4) What’s more …

5) That’s why …

2.2.7 What statement do you think more exactly expresses your idea about traveling? Prove it

1. “Traveling is a learning experience.”

2. “It isn’t necessary to travel much if you want to learn a lot about the world.”

2.2.8 Jane and Kate have just received a letter from their friend who invites them to go to London. Write an answer and say whether they accept the invitation or refuse it. Explain why they want or aren’t able to go. Start the letter this way

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 385 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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