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Find in the opinions the phrases to complete the following ideas about housing

1) Irene has been dreaming about ____________________.

2) Irene thinks that her house should be her home where she _____________________.

3) Irene wants to live in a very cosy house with ________________________________.

4) Irene likes to have guests and to __________________________________________.

5) Irene wants to have a_______________________________________ near her house.

6) Natalie wants to live in a __________ somewhere in ____________________.

7) Natalie dreams about a house which looks like a _________ with ___________.

8) Natalie wants to live in a house with modern conveniences like _________________.

9) The furniture in Natalie’s house should be __________________________________.

10) Jane doesn't want to live in a _____, but she dreams about a _______ in a ____________.

11) Jane doesn't want to have a large flat: just _________________________________.

12) There should be a lot of place for ________________ in Jane's flat.

13) Jane is not very much of a ___, that's why she wants to have as much ____ as possible.

14) George would like to live in a _________.

15) George wants his house to be surrounded by ________________.

16) The main thing in George's house is a___________ with _____________.

17) George's favourite animals are __________ because they are __________.

Say these words and word combinations aloud. Underline the stressed syllables

Castle, kindness, to feel oneself lonely and miserable, help respect, attention, sympathy, safe, to be in a trouble, to be grown-up enough, to live in one's own, independence, freedom, to make one's own decisions, to build a home of one's own, to stay alone, a cage, to be allowed, cruel, rude, to feel desirable at home, to ignore.

Read and translate the text

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 543 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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