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Some opinions about sport

I am Alison and I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I do not like to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching figure skating. I admire beautiful women and strong men, who can dance on the ice so well. 1 sometimes go skating myself. But I have to practice a lot before I can tell my friends about my hobby and invite them to go to a skating rink.

I am Peter. Sport plays a great role in my life. In fact it is all I care for. I love every kind of sports — football, hockey, volleyball and basketball. I also play chess and once played in our school team against Kasparov. We all lost of course, but it was an unforgettable experience. I also love to play football. I go to our local football club every spare minute and my dream is to become a football player. I also watch football on TV a lot. I never miss a single match. I am a fan of "Spartak" and I get very upset when they lose. However I'll never betray my favorite team.

I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so 1 take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have the time I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can not go as often as I want to. It is difficult to do all these things. Sometimes I wake up in the morning — it rains and I do not want to go outside and run along wet streets, but then 1 make myself do it and in a couple of minutes I feel great and fresh.

My name is Alex. I do not understand people who spend all their lives going crazy over sports and their body or watching others doing the same on TV. I think aiming for physical perfection people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles; difficult things can be done by machines. I knew one guy, who was very anxious about getting big muscles. He was exercising every day and was still not happy with his looks. So he started taking special hormones to make his muscles grow. He got huge muscles, but he ended up in a hospital, because his excessive workout and hormones did a lot of harm to his health. I would never do anything like that. I am much happier sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer.

I am Ted. I am a professional sportsman. My attitude towards sports is problematic. On one hand sport is my life. I play volleyball, that is the only thing I like to do and can do very well. I like this sport, because you have to be strong, fast and clever to play it. On the other hand a professional sportsman gets old too quickly. You can not play when you are old. You have to retire in your mid thirties and then you need to do something else in your life. By this time a lot of sportsmen have bad injures which influence their health. In general sport costs professional sportsman too much.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 761 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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