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Complete the questions with words from the list in activity 1

1) Are you _______? No, I am single.

2) Do you have any _________? Yes, I have two sons.

3)Do you _______ any other _______ languages?

4) Do you often travel _______? Very rarely, I occasionally visit the branch office in Italy, but that's about all.

5) Do you have a long ________ to work every day? Not at all. It only takes me about fifteen minutes by car.

1.2.17 Complete the questions with the correct form of be, do or have

1) __________ you have any brothers or sisters?

2) __________ you born in Britain?

3) __________ you have a big breakfast this morning?

4) __________ you enjoy learning English?

5) __________ you learn any other languages at school?

6) __________ you ever been to the USA?

7) __________ you interested in music?

8) __________ you know any of the other students before you entered the university?

1.2.18 Complete the questions with suitable question words: what, who, where, when, why, how

1) __________ do you leave home in the morning to come to your classes?

2) __________ do you travel to university?

3) __________ are you studying English and not another language?

4) __________ is the person you most admire?

5) __________ do you like to do in your spare time?

6) __________ did you go for your holiday last year?

7) __________ did you last go to a restaurant?

8) __________ is your favourite writer?

1.2.19 Do you know what the house of your dream is? Answer the following questions

1. Would you like to live in a city? 2. Would you like to live in a country side? 3. Would you like to live in a centre? 4. Would you like to live in a flat or have a house of your own? 5. Would you like to have a big house? 6. Would you like to have a small house? 7. Would you like to have a mansion? 8. Would you like to live alone? 9. Would you like to live on the top? 10. Do you like to cook? 11. Do you need much room for parties? 12. Do you need any kitchen equipment? 13. Do you need a study? 14. Do you need a playing yard for children? 15. Do you like domestic animals? 16. Your house of your dream: should it be a cosy house for children? 17. Should it be a small house for one? 18. Should it be a castle for a princess? 19. Should it be a farm?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 818 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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