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In conclusion

So it seems quite necessary for the students of English to have a clear idea of this linguistic phenomenon so as to comprehend readily present-day spoken English, especially American English, and to understand tough detective novels in English. And it acquires a much more importance for a law enforcer under special operational conditions in combating crime at some international organizations. Don't be at a loss when you can't get the meaning of some strange word in colloquial speech (more often in American English). If you fail to find the word in conventional English-Russian dictionaries you may be lucky to spot it in the dictionaries of the following type:

I. "English-Russian Dictionary of American Slang" edited by E. I. Tuzovsky, Moscow, 1993. – "Англо-русский словарь американского сленга" Е. Тузовского (около 9000 слов и выражений).

II."ABC of Dirty English" by A. Kudryavtsev, G. Kuropatkin, Moscow, 1993. – "Англо-русский словарь-справочник табуизированной лексики и эвфемизмов" А. Кудрявцева, Г. Куропаткина (около 10000 слов и выражений).

III. "Concise English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary of the
Underworld" by Yu. Dubyagin, E. Teplitsky, Moscow, 1993. – "Краткий
англо-русский и русско-английский словарь уголовного жаргона"
Ю. Дубягина, Е. Теплицкого (около 2000 слов и словосочетаний).

etc., etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 195 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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