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Conclusion. This model of the police officer as a "community services professional" reflects the image of a progressive

This model of the police officer as a "community services professional" reflects the image of a progressive, well-informed police elite that is particularly conscious of the importance of its role in society, proud of its profession, aware of the constant need to improve services to the public, and, by doing so, give a positive image of the police.

A profession which is careful to deserve and increase the public's trust reflects the expectations of a critical public, a public that wants to see its needs met effectively and efficiently.

This model of the professional police officer is more and more in line with the new police training program and its more social and humanitarian orientation. This simply means that the new police officer is being trained to put more love into his life, his work, his contacts with people, whoever they may be and whatever the reason.

Why should being a police officer not mean having the best profession in the world? After all, he has the opportunity to meet all kinds of people and he is required to provide a range of diverse, high quality services.

Если статья интересна, и Вы хотите знать подробности, воспользуйтесь данным ниже словарём. Нумерация абзацев статьи отражена в словаре.


1. adolescent – подросток

adult – взрослый

bail – залог, поручительство

handicapped – страдающий физи-ческим недостатком

2. impartial – беспристрастный

temptation – искушение

dispenser – распределитель (хозяин)

intervenant – посредник

3. –

4. utility – бытовой

courteously – вежливо

5. meticulous – дотошный

harm – вредить

6. robbery target-hardening – зд. снижение риска стать объектом грабежа

7. diversify – разнообразить, расши-рять

anticipate – предвидеть

transactional analysis – анализ спор-ных вопросов

positive conditioning – принятие мер, создание благоприятных усло-вий

8. vigilant – бдительный

interception – подслушивание теле-фонных разговоров

frisk – производить обыск (оста-новить и "вывернуть карманы")

towing – буксирование

request – запрашивать

smug – самодовольный

quota – доля, часть, квота

monitor – управлять

9. reference – справка

plaintiff – истец

at a loss – в затруднении

option – выбор, право выбора

recur – повторяться

suicide – самоубийство

10. qualm – сомнение

11. aware – сознающий

after all – в конце концов

Text for Skimming Reading


Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 201 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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