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Ex. 6. Найдите русские значения к следующим словосочетаниям:

1 – e

2 – m

3 – h

4 – n

5 – a

6 – g

7 – f

8 – c

9 – k

10 – l

11 – i

12 – g

13 – b

14 –d




Text “Structuring the Detective Function in the USA Police”

Ex. V

1. It is the patrol unit that usually provides personnel for the detective division in American police departments.

2. The primary function of the detective is to prevent crime and in case of its commission - to apprehend the offenders who escape arrest at the hands of the patrol division and to recover the stolen property.

3. The two aspects of the detective's activity are his overt and covert functions.

4. Certainly, it is.

5. The specialization in detective division permits the detective to concentrate his time and energies in his detective function.

6. The process of coming to know personally the offenders of the specific criminal specialty constitutes the functional area of the detective's investigation.

7. The detective should operate in plain clothes when he becomes familiar with criminal's methods, his habits, his distinctive marks, his relatives and close associates in his undercover work.

8. Criminal investigation is the keystone in the structure of the detective function.

9. Criminal investigation involves four specific objectives as the main ones. They are:

a. Establishing the fact of the commission of a crime - the corpus delicti or the body of a crime.

b. Identifying the elements of the offence.

c. Detection and apprehension of the offender.

d. The production of evidence against him.

10. Crime prevention and crime solution which include detective's functional area of criminal investigation, specialization in the detective division are the priorities in structuring the detective function.

Text “Policing» in Response to Citizen's “Calling the Cops”

Ex. V

1. The patrolmen started their shift at midnight, at 8.00 a.m., at 4.00 p.m.

2. Yes, they did.

3. Yes, they did.

4. They provided transportation of a traffic offender to jail.

5. As the patrolmen were returning to the precinct station, they saw a car running a red light.

6. No, they didn't. The incidents rarely resulted in arrest.

7. The typical official outcome was a crime report.

Text “Traffic crime Prevention in the USA”

Ex. V

1. In the previous texts we have read about the two very important aspects of crime prevention – crime prevention by effective law enforcement and crime prevention as a moral and a social problem.

2. The moral aspect of traffic crime prevention is traffic safety education of drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists and especially children in safe walking, riding and driving.

3. Traffic violators should be a special aim of public education in traffic safety.

4. The Department of Motor Vehicles can play a major role in preventing accidents by not allowing unqualified drivers to get a licence and refusing to issue a licence to an individual who has failed to pass the tests.

5. A traffic officer issues a citation in case he has observed serious violations of the traffic code.

6. Yes, they have.

7. A point system has become a method of removing bad-risk drivers from the roadway.

8. Yes, there is.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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