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Sources and kinds of slang

Indeed all slang words were once nonstandard, dialect, jargon, cant or taboo, so it is possible to classify them into general (1) or everyday slang and special or professional (2) slang covering about 45 professional and social subgroups of people. Occupational terms, baby talk (nursery), cockney (3), colloquial speech, college, literature, medicine, military forces. Air Force, Navy, Negro, religion, theatre and rock-music, police, US, Indian, Australian terms, etc. supply both kinds of slang with slangy terminology.

The underworld with its crime, alcohol, drugs, gambling, prostitution provided the majority of criminal slang which was gradually transferred into novels, movies, radio and television. This entertainment value of crime and law enforcement has brought a constant stream of criminal slang into social communication especially in the USA and other countries as well over the last half century. Such words as cowboy, okay, racketeer, phone, gas, frame up (подставить), tough and a tough guy (крутой, крутой парень), some taboo words are widely known now.

Slang fills a necessary niche in all languages. (Compare the English "Hash" or "the lingo" with the Russian "fenya"). Of course there is no full correlation between national slangs due to some distinctions in realities and standards of different countries.


1. generalзд. общеизвестный, общеупотребительный. 2. special or professionalзд. особый, малоизвестный, узкоупотрсбитсльный. 3. cockney – the dialect of the East End London.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 511 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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