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Should have/shouldn’t have + past participle

1. Use should have/shouldn’t have + past participle to criticize a past action when you or someone didn’t do the right thing.

Examples. You should have come to the party. (you didn’t and it was


I shouldn’t have said that to her. (I said it and now she’s


I. Critisize yourself. For each situation write two sentences, one beginning I should have and one beginning I shouldn’t have.

1. You bought an old house last year. You have to spend a lot of money on its redecoration and repair.

2. You stayed in a 3-star hotel while on holiday. It was awful.

3. You had terrible nightmares after watching a horror film on TV.

4. You thought you knew the way to the city centre but you got completely lost.

5. You bought the jacket without trying it on, but at home you found out that it was too tight.

II. Read the story and complete it with should/shouldn’t have + the verb in brackets in the correct form.

Never again …

Somehow, I knew the holiday was going to be a disaster. First, I ____ (choose) to go skiing. I ____ (go) to the beach instead, as what I really needed was to relax. On the morning of my flight I got up really late. I ____ (set) my alarm clock earlier. I had also meant to pack the night before, but I went to a party until late. Of course I ____ (go) to the party – and above all I ____ (drink) so much – my head was aching terribly. So, there I was, two hours before the plane was due to take off, throwing things in my suitcase. Yes, I know I ____ (pack) the night before. Surprisingly, my car started first time, but once I got on the motorway, the traffic was terrible. I ____(take) the underground. On my first morning skiing I started off quite slowly, but then I thought I’d be a bit more ambitious. It’s easy to say now, but I ____ (be) more careful. Anyway, I lost control of my skis, went straight into a tree, and broke my leg. I spent the rest of the week in hospital!

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 494 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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