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Your living room

Feng shui is all about balance. Try to arrange sofas and chairs in a square around a circular table. Avoid an L-shaped arrangement as this leaves a missing corner. The centre of the living room should be left clear. Make sure there is a lot of light, which will promote good energy.

A bookcase is bad feng shui as its sharp corners generate negative ‘arrows’, and if you have one you should put a climbing plant on it to combat this effect.

Put plants in the corners of the room, as they attract good energy and will energize your wealth, but not ones with sharp leaves. Fresh flowers also bring good energy, but throw them away as soon as they begin to die, and don’t have dried flowers.

Mirrors are vital because they reflect energy. Round or oval ones are best, but they should not be opposite each other, nor should they reflect a door, otherwise your good fortune will go out of it.

To promote harmony between the members of your family, have photos of them around the room, preferably smiling. If you want to find a partner, energize the south-west corner of your living room or bedroom by placing a floor light at least 1.75 m high there, and turn it on every evening. Surround yourself with ornaments and objects in pairs, such as ducks or birds.

To avoid blocking the positive energy, keep everything tidy. Don’t accumulate many unnecessary things. Take a look at every object and ask yourself, ‘Do I really need it? Do I like it?’ If the answer is ‘no’, get rid of it.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 365 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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