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The … the + comparative adjective/adverb

1. Use the+ comparative adjective/adverb to show that one thing depends on the other.

Examples. The sooner you do it, the sooner I’ll pay you.

The better the restaurant is, the more expensive it is.

Sometimes we use two comparatives without a noun or a verb.

Examples. – When would you like me to do it?

- The sooner the better.

I. Rephrase the sentences using the … the + comparative.

1. If we leave soon, we’ll get there earlier.

2. If I speak fast, I make more mistakes.

3. If the weather is cold, you use more electricity.

4. If the restaurant is full, the service is worse.

5. If the colour of the scarf is bright, she’ll like it more.

6. If you have a lot of money, you can dress better.

7. If a coat is good quality, it’ll last a long time.

8. If a skirt is short, you have to be slim to wear it.

9. If a school is big, it’s impersonal.

10. If your lifestyle’s healthy, you’ll live longer.

II.Write the endings for each phrase.

1. The more chocolate you eat …

2. The harder you work …

3. The older you get …

4. The longer you wait for something …

5. The more money people have …

6. The more I know him …


I. a. Guess which of the two people said the sentences below, then

Listen and check. (English File 4.1)

· Princess Mary is from Poland. Now in her 90s, she was a

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