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LISTENING. It might be easy to fall in love with someone, but falling in love with their taste?

I. Decorating a room

It might be easy to fall in love with someone, but falling in love with their taste? That’s another thing. A British newspaper asked a couple, Charlie (a radio producer) and Lucy (an English teacher) each to completely redesign their living room with a limited budget, keeping only three pieces of furniture which they already had. Then they asked a design specialist to comment on their tastes.

A. Listen to part 1. Lucy and Charles talk about each other rooms.

What do they like? Dislike? (English File 4.11)

b. Can you remember who said these things? What exactly were they

talking about? Listen again if necessary.

1. It doesn’t go with the rest of the room.

2. It’s completely impractical.

3. They remind me of a dentist’s.

4. I wouldn’t have put them on the coffee table.

5. I would never have long ones.

c. Now listen to part 2, the designer’s comments. Which room does he prefer? (English File 4.12)

D. Listen again for more detail.

Charles should have …

1) _____________________________________

2) _____________________________________

3) _____________________________________

Lucy should have

1) _____________________________________

2) _____________________________________

II. Talk to a partner.

1. Do you think that women have better taste than men?

2. Who takes decisions in your house about decorating?

3. What piece (s) of furniture are you especially fond of in your house?

4. Is there anything you don’t like about …?

· your own house

· furniture and decoration in general in this country

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 457 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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