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II. Mark the sentences true or false

1. Researchers asked the people to give the place marks out of ten.

2. People in the residential home for the elderly liked the food.

3. Customers in the restaurant liked the food.

4. The place is always more important than the food.

5. The food was the same in all the different places.

6. The food got the highest marks in the army training camp.

III. Translate the passage in bold into Russian.

IV. Discuss.

1. Is the place you eat food important for you?

2. Where do you eat your meals at home?

V. Work in groups. You’re going to open a new restaurant. Discuss the


1. the location

2. what size and how the space is going to be organized

3. the name of the restaurant

4. decoration

5. a sample menu

6. any special features

7. prices

8. what kind of music

9. how to attract clients



I. Discuss.

Which do you prefer and why?

modern furniture antique furniture

modern houses old houses

wooden floors carpets

central heating an open fire

blinds curtains

a shower a bath


I. Put the items in the chart (some can be found in more than one


bedside table blinds gate wall front door fence curtains

dishwasher washbasin toilet wardrobe ceiling hedge sink

bookcase roof pavement balcony fireplace cooker tap rug


Parts of a house/room Things near a house Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Living room

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 951 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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