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Were School Dinners Really So Bad?

Don’t spend lots of money on top quality cooking; just make sure you like the place where you have it. A new report says that the enjoyment of a meal doesn’t depend on what you eat, but where you eat it.

Researchers prepared the same meal in ten different locations and asked the people eating it to give it marks out of ten for the taste, texture and appearance of the food. When they served chicken ‘a la king’ in a residential home for the elderly, it got low marks. However, when they served it to customers in a four-star restaurant, the reaction was very different. The customers said it tasted delicious.

‘The results show that in many cases the location is much more important than the food ‘, said Professor John Edwards. Edwards and his team took great care to make sure that all the meals would be as similar as possible. They used the same kind of chicken, they stored the dishes in the same kind of plastic bags and served them all with the same type of rice. The meal got the highest marks in every category – taste, texture, appearance – at the restaurant. Interestingly, bottom marks went to the dish when they served it in an army training camp. As one of the soldiers said, “It tastes awful and smells disgusting!’

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 657 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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