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The Infinitive as part of a predicative

When the Infinitive forms part of a predicative the other part may be expressed by an adjective.

She is never easy to find. Ее нелегко найти.

The question was difficult to answer. На этот вопрос было трудно ответить.

The man is hard difficult easy to please. to deal with. to teach. to remember. to drive.
The rule This car was

Exercise 49. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as part of a predicative. Translate the sentences into Russian. Say what the first part of the predicative is expressed by.

Model: His wife is hard to please. Его жене трудно угодить. The Infinitive is used as part of a predicative. The first part is expressed by the adjective «hard».

1. Sociable people are easy to deal with. 2. Sandy is pleasant to talk to. 3. This armchair is very comfortable to sit in. 4. The story was amusing to listen to. 5. His advice was hard to follow. 6. Responsible people are easy to rely upon. 7. The cottage is quite convenient to live in. 8. Stubborn people are usually difficult to persuade. 9. Her phone number was impossible to remember.

Exercise 50. Match the parts of the sentences. Choose the proper part of a predicative expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.


1. An interesting job is difficult 1. to sit in.

2. This poem is not easy 2. to look after.

3. The armchair is comfortable 3. to listen to.

4. A good lecturer is pleasant 4. to find.

5. A messy child is very difficult 5. to learn by heart.

6. Severe parents are impossible 6. to buy at the chemist’s.

7. Toddlers are amusing 7. to offend.

8. The sick are hard 8. to bring up.

9. Sensitive people are easy 9. to watch.

10. This pain killer is possible 10. to disobey.

Exercise 51. Paraphrase the sentences from exercise 49 with an Infinitive used as part of a predicative into sentences with an Infinitive as subject. Note the difference between the structures and the way of rendering them in Russian.

Model: Sociable people are easy to deal with. С общительными людьми легко иметь дело.

a) It’s easy to deal with sociable people. Легко иметь дело с общительными людьми.

b) To deal with sociable people is easy. Иметь дело с общительными людьми легко.

Exercise 52. Translate the sentences into English using an Infinitive as part of a predicative.

1. Ее детям трудно угодить. 2. Его стихи легко учить наизусть. 3. Эти громоздкие формулы невозможно запомнить. 4. Такие яблоки трудно вырастить. 5. Эту сцену было неприятно наблюдать. 6. Его слова трудно было забыть. 7. Твой рассказ смешно слушать. 8. С моей дочерью трудно спорить. 9. Их визита невозможно избежать. 10. На нее всегда приятно смотреть. 11. Ваша работа оставляет желать лучшего. 12. Вашей сестре трудно угодить. 13. На него было приятно смотреть. 14. Твое сочинение оставляет желать лучшего. 15. С моим соседом трудно иметь дело. 16. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего. 17. На этих детей приятно посмотреть. 18. Вам трудно угодить.

Unit 7

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