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Model: He is sorry that he has said it.He is sorry to have said it

1. She was sorry that she had missed the beginning of the concert. 2. I am glad that I see all my friends here. 3. I was afraid of going past that place alone. 4. My sister will be thrilled when she is wearing a dress as lovely as that. 5. We must wait till we hear the examination results. 6.She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in. 7. I should be delighted if I could join you. 8. He hopes that he will know everything by tomorrow. 9. It is certain that it will rain if you don’t take your umbrella. 10. Don’t promise that you will do it, if you are not sure that you can. 11. He was happy that he was praised by everybody. 12. He was very proud that he had helped his elder brother.

Exercise5. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive. Translate into Russian.

1. Everyone wants (to respect). 2. I have nothing (to hide). 3. By that time there was no one (to speak up). 4. Mr. Great must (to plan) his trip long ago. 5. He is good enough (to give) the first prize. 6. It is useless (to govern) them in the same way. 7. Mum left the washing (to sort out). 8. Dick is said (to spend) all his money while travelling all over the world. 9. Fred seems (to work) in the garden since morning. 10. His younger sister appears (always to complain). 11. Jack is so weak that not (to support) him would be just a crime. 12. Some people do not like (to praise) and find it (to be) a sort of temptation. 13. He is so lucky (to find) his purse. 14. The baby must (to sleep) now. 15. I want (to take) you to the concert. 16. I want (to take) to the concert by my father. 17. She hoped (to help) her friends. 18. She hoped (to help) by her friends. 19. I hope (to see) you soon. 20. We expect (to be) back in two days. 21. He expected (to help) by the teacher. 22. The children seem (to play) since morning. 23. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday. 24. She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here. 25. I am sorry (to break) your pen. 26. Не seems (to read) a lot. 27. Не seems (to read) now. 28. He seems (to read) since morning. 29. He seems (to read) all the books in the library. 30. She is heard (to laugh) in the next room.

Exercise6. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the use of the active and passive Infinitive.

1. I am happy to have given you this chance. 2. I’m happy to be given this chance. 3. I’m sorry to disturb you. 4. I’m sorry to have been disturbed as I couldn’t finish my talk with her. 5. We are pleased to tell you that your son has got the first prize. 6. We were pleased to be told that our son had got the first prize. 7. She is glad to have read your book. 8. She is glad to have been read your book to as she can’t read herself now. 9. Our family will be delighted to visit you next year. 10. We were delighted to be visited by Larry and his family.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. What are you learning to do, and why do you do it? 2. What can’t students afford to do? 3. If someone works hard, why does he do it? 4. What do students aim to do? 5. What is a quick-tempered person inclined to do? 6. What are troublemakers apt to do? 7. If workers are dissatisfied, what can they threaten to do? 8. What do absent-minded people tend to do? 9. What do you have to get ready to do on a Monday morning? 10. What do stubborn people refuse to do? 11. What are generous people willing to do? 12. When the man proposes, what does a woman agree to do? 13. When two people get engaged, what have they resolved to do? 14. When people get married, what do they promise to do? 15. What are you planning to do in future?

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences by using suitable Infinitives.

1. I learned... when I was around six or seven. 2. We’ve decided... a new washing-machine. 3. Hugh promised not... late for his own wedding. 4. My boyfriend and I would love... Venice. 5. You seem... in a good mood tonight. 6. Felicia appeared... asleep, but she wasn’t. 7. The Martins can’t afford... a house. 8. Try... to class on time every day. 9. I can’t wait... my family again! It’s been a long time. 10. She is very sorry. She didn’t mean... you. 11. My friend offered... me a little money. 12. Erik is only five, but he intends... a doctor when he grows up. 13. What time do you expect... the Hague? 14. I forgot... some cheese when I went to the grocery store. 15. They are planning... to the Canaries after they get married.

Exercise9. Make up a sentence. Use various forms of the Infinitive. Translate your sentences. Pay attention to the perfect, aspect and voice distinctions of the Infinitive.

It is nice to visit my close friend from time to time; to be visited by my close friend from time to time; to have visited you last week; to have been visited by Jack; to be doing such interesting work; to have been doing this work all these years.

Give your own examples.

Exercise10. Make up your own sentences. Use an Infinitive in all possible forms. Note the perfect, aspect and voice distinctions of the Infinitive in each sentence.

Model 1: Ann is happy to teach little children. Анна рада, что учит малышей.

Model 2: Little children are happy to be taught funny nursery rhymes. Малыши рады, когда их учат детским стишкам.

Model 3: I am happy to be teaching at the University. Я рада, что преподаю в Университете.

Model 4: Dick is happy to have taught French at school. Дик рад, что преподавал французский в школе.

Model 5: My classmates and I are happy to have been taught English by native speakers. Мы с одноклассниками рады, что английский нам преподавали носители языка.

Model 6. Kate is happy to have been teaching Maths at Trinity college for so many years. Кейт рада, что столько лет преподает математику в колледже Тринити.


to be happy to travel
pleased to translate
sorry to read
glad to study, etc

Exercise 11. Use the verbs in brackets in the required form.

1. I like (give) presents to friends, but even more I like (give) gifts. 2. She is so lucky (have) such a good family, (see) all love and care since childhood. 3. The dictionary seems (belong) to my great-grandfather. It appears (publish) ages ago. 4. The young man seemed (study) Marion, and she gave him a cold stare. 5. The key to the grandfather clock was believed (lose) some twenty years before. 6. One more window remained (wash). 7. The child is so pale! She ought (have) a change of food and air. 8. Well, sir, I want (take) my words back. I’m sorry (call) you names. 9. The case was urgent. The man had (operate on). 10. He was sorry (not notice) the fax on the secretary’s table. 11. But what kind of rules might (require)? 12. The rules (leave) to the Government to decide. 13. Everybody is going (give) a rise. 14. Parenthood, someone once said, is the only 24-hour-a-day job for which you (not pay) overtime. 15. The country is considered (make) enormous progress this year. 16. English people don’t like (tell) what to do.

Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. Я счастлива пригласить вас на вечер. 2. Я счастлива, что меня часто приглашают на премьеры. 3. Я счастлива, что меня пригласили на новый спектакль. 4. Хочу рассказать вам последние новости. 5. Хочу, чтобы мне рассказали эту историю. 6. Я рада, что мне рассказали об этом. 7. Роберт не собирается обвинять вас. 8. Он не предполагал, что его обвинят. 9. Мне жаль, что я причиняю вам столько хлопот. 10. Мне жаль, что побеспокоила вас. 11. Дети любят выдумывать разные истории. 12. Дети обожают, когда им рассказывают страшные истории. 13. Он, кажется, знает всех в городе. 14. Тед, кажется, читает что-то смешное. Он все время улыбается. 15. Он, кажется, выполняет эту работу уже много лет. 16. Он, кажется, опять на вас обиделся. 17. Кажется, она знает всех в этом городе.

Exercise13. Translate the sentences into English.Pay attention to the use of the active and passive forms of the Infinitive.

1. Моя сестра обрадовалась, когда ее пригласили на день рождения. 2. Я не люблю вмешиваться в чужие дела. 3. Мне пришлось редактировать статью, которую должны опубликовать в ближайшее время. 4. Ничего не поделаешь. Придется принять их предложение. 5. Девочка любила, когда ее целовали перед сном. 6. Они были рады помочь родным в беде. 7. Билл ожидает, что его встретят в аэропорту и отвезут в гостиницу. 8. Не выношу, когда над кем-то насмехаются. 9. Ему совершенно нечего делать. 10. Мне доставляет радость делать Вам приятные подарки. А Вам приятно, когда Вам делают подарки?

Exercise14. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of the perfect and non-perfect forms of the Infinitive.

1. Это все, что надо сказать, когда мы позвоним им. 2. Должно быть, жюри присудило уже все премии. 3. Филипп планирует вернуться на следующей неделе. 4. Будем рады познакомиться с твоим женихом. 5. Мы ожидали, что Вы придете. 6. Говорят, книга еще на прошлой неделе была распродана. 7. Очень мило с Вашей стороны, что Вы пригласили его погостить у вас. 8. Сообщают, что вчера был ограблен банк и преступников, к счастью, поймали. 9. Мне нечего Вам ответить. Я чувствую, что виноват. 10. Сестра любит накрывать на стол, когда приходят гости. 11. У тебя два варианта: принять их у себя или поехать к ним. 12. Известно, что многие студенты уже побывали в Америке и прошли курс обучения в разных университетах.

Unit 2


The particle to can sometimes substitute the Infinitive itself. This mostly occurs in spoken English when the Infinitive particle to finishes a phrase (usually in a response). Then the particle to is a formal sign that the Infinitive itself is implied.

I’m not going to play the fool just because you tell me to. (= to do it)

She again came home very late though I asked her not to. (= not to come home late)

Take the money. You’ve earned it. It would be silly not to. (= not to take the money)

I went there because I wanted to. (because I wanted to go there)

The Infinitive particle to often substitutes the Infinitive after the following verbs and phrases:

to ask to be allowed
to forget to be glad
to like to be going
to mean would like/love
to promise to have the right (to)
to refuse to have the occasion (to)
to try ought (to)
to want have (to)
to wish  

1. I’m afraid I can’t come after all.

But you promised to. (you promised to come)

2. You are late again!

I’m awfully sorry. I tried not to, but... (I tried not to be late)

3. Why didn’t you buy any bread?

I meant to, but I forgot. (I meant to buy it)

4. Will you help me?

I’ll be glad to.

5. You didn’t thank him for his present.

Oh, you’re right. I forgot to.

6. Will you come to a dance with me?

I’d love to.

Exercise 15. Finish the sentences. Use the Infinitive substitute to after each verb given in brackets.

Model: She didn’t go to the concert though she... (to mean, to want, to promise, to intend, to plan) – She didn’t go to the concert though she meant to; wanted to; promised to; intended to; planned to.

He’s angry with her though he... (to try not). He’s angry with her though he tried not to.

She didn’t come because she... (not to want). She didn’t come because she didn’t want to.

1. She changed the topic of her course paper though she didn’t... (to mean, to want, to plan, to intend) 2. They didn’t come to the station to meet me though they... (to promise, to mean, to intend, to want) 3. We couldn’t take the exam though we... (to try, to want, to plan, to intend) 4. He didn’t take the medicine because he... (to forget, not to want, not to be able) 5. He didn’t keep the date because he... (not to want, to forget) 6. She failed in her exam though she... (to try not) 7. They didn’t manage to plant the flowers though they... (to try, to intend, to want, to plan) 8. We didn’t write that letter because we... (not to be able, to forget) 9. I hope we’ll fly to London next week, at least we... (to plan, to try, would like/love, to be glad) 10. Dad didn’t buy a new Mini for me though he... (to plan, to intend, would like, to promise) 11. She broke the vase though she... (to try not, not to want) 12. He failed to come on time because he... (not to be able, not to want) 13. I hope they will visit us next month, at least they... (to be glad, to plan, to promise, would like/love)

Exercise 16. Respond to the following avoiding repetition. Use a to -substitute for the Infinitive.

Model: Can you come with me? (not to want) – I don’t want to.

1. Why didn’t you call me? – But (to try). You were out. 2. Would you come to the disco with me? – Oh, thanks, (to be glad/would like). 3. You promised to bring me something to read and never did. – Sorry! (to forget). 4. I won’t come to you tonight. – But (to promise). 5. Have you seen the new exhibition? – Not yet, but (to intend). 6. Are you going to Paris? – Not now, but (to plan). 7. Why didn’t she tell me the whole truth? – (to be afraid). 8. What’s wrong? You sound insulting. – Sorry! (not to mean). 9. Did you thank them for the present? – Oh, sorry! (to forget). 10. Why didn’t you go to the country with us? – (not to be able). 11. Will you come to my party? – (I’d like/love). 12. Ouch! You pushed me! – Sorry! (to mean).

Exercise 17. Translate into English.

1. – Пойдешь со мной на дискотеку? – С удовольствием. (should love) 2. – Не могли бы мы поехать на дачу? – Я не хочу. 3. – Вы должны придти точно в три. – Да, обязательно. (ought) 4. – Я не поблагодарила его за помощь. – Я забыла. 5. – Почему Вы не позвонили ему? – Я не хотела. (wish) 6. – Почему ты не пригласила Джека в гости? – Я не собиралась. (mean, plan) 7. – Тебе надо гораздо больше работать. – Да, обязательно. (ought) 8. – Вы меня толкнули. – Ах, простите, я не хотела. (mean) 9. – Ты едешь в Италию? – Нет, хотя я и планировал это. 10. – Тебе уже нужно уходить? – Хотелось бы. 11. – Почему ты не рассказала отцу всю правду? – Я боялась. 12. – Я не пойду с тобой в кино. – Но ведь ты обещала. 13. – Почему ты не участвовал в работе? – К сожалению, я не мог. (be able to) 14. – Она научилась говорить по-английски? – Нет, но хотела! 15. – Ты ездил в Париж? – Нет, хотя и собирался. (intend). 16. – Ты опять не принес мне книгу? – Ах, прости, я забыл. 17. – Ты купил билеты на этот спектакль? – Нет, не смог. (be able) 18. – Вы собираетесь покупать дачу? – Да, мы планируем. 19. – Разве мы не можем пойти на матч завтра? – Но я не хочу. 20. Я не стал сдавать экзамен, хотя и собирался. 21. Он не пошел с нами, хотя у него и было такое намерение.

When the particle to is separated from the Infinitive itself by an adverb, we have a split Infinitive.

I’d like to really understand poetry. Я бы хотел по-настоящему понимать поэзию.

Не began to slowly climb the rock. Он стал медленно взбираться на скалу.

Split Infinitives are quite common in English, especially in an informal style. But it is considered by grammarians «bad style» and is usually avoided when possible, then the adverb is placed either before the particle «to» or at the end of the sentence.

I’d like really to understand poetry. He began to climb the rock slowly.

Though sometimes it is impossible to avoid using the split Infinitive without changing the meaning.

Your job is to really make the club a success. (Here «really» emphasizes the meaning of «to make».) Ваша цель (состоит) в том, чтобы и вправду сделать работу клуба успешной.

Exercise 18. Comment on the cases of the Split Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I think the time has come for you to totally decide your future. 2. In 1992 Maxim decided to legally change his name. 3. Then Dad yelled at everybody to just shut up. 4. That was too horrible to even think about. 5. I want to tenderly hold you, my dear child! 6. She fell into a chair, clapped one hand over her mouth once more, to again stifle the scream of pain and outrage rising in her throat. 7. When you are in Italy, remember to always add the area code to the number you want to call. 8. Obviously she’d said what he wanted to hear; it appeared to both excite and relax him. 9. When you travel by the train, don’t push and shove with might and main! Let those who wish to first alight, then pass on quickly left and right. 10. The detectives needed special equipment to thoroughly and accurately investigate the mystery. 11. Jack was the first person to ever show me any affection in my life. 12. The mayors met in order to fully explore and discuss the problems of managing large cities. 13. Most companies will have to severely limit their dumping of pollutants. 14. They say they would like to eventually expand the business. 15. My advice to you is to initially receive a thorough examination a good therapist. 16. To fully appreciate the splendour of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, you need to visit the Vatican.

Exercise 19. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the Split Infinitives.

1. At the time, it seemed wiser for me to simply disappear, quickly and quietly. 2. I placed the tray in the middle of the kitchen table and began to methodically chop an egg. 3. She wondered how to effectively explain this to the kids without resorting to a pack of lies. 4. The offer came from out of the blue and she did not want to even discuss it. 5. It was hard to truly estimate how rich she was. 6. Henry had known Emma for almost forty years, long enough to fully understand her. 7. They had come to bitterly accept the fact. 8. Nelly paused, uncertain of how to correctly explain her behaviour. 9. The boy licked the pencil and began to carefully print Mrs. Daniel’s address. 10. He did not appear to physically favour either of his parents. 11. She had never ceased to secretly worship her elder brother. 12. Melanie began to selectively tick off the goods, she could readily dispose of in her store. 13. She had to hear it from Julia’s own mouth to truly believe it. 14. Something of his good humour seemed to mysteriously transfer itself to everybody in the room. 15. She had to occasionally neglect on some of her chores to make time for reading.

Unit 3


(The bare Infinitive)

The so-called bare Infinitive (the Infinitive without the particle to) is used:

1. After the auxiliary verb of the Present, Past or Future Simple (Indefinite).

Does he __ like this actor?

He didn’t __ like the performance.

I’ ll __ come to see the performance.

2. After the modal verbs can (could), dare, may (might), must, needn’t, shall, should, will, would (except the modal verbs ought to, to be to, to have to).

Things might __ get better. Все еще может уладиться.

My hands are dirty. I must __ wash them. У меня грязные руки. Мне надо помыть их.

You needn’t __ be so loud. I hear you well. Незачем говорить так громко. Я хорошо тебя слышу.

You shall __ finish the dinner. Ты обязательно доешь обед.

3. After verbs of sense perception: to feel, to hear, to see, to watch, etc.

They saw the street lights __ come on. Они увидели, как зажглись уличные фонари.

People miles away heard the bomb __ explode. За километры отсюда люди слышали, как взорвалась бомба.

We all felt the house __ shake. Мы все почувствовали, как вздрогнул дом.


1) The verb to be after the verb to feel is used with the particle to

She felt his hand to be hot. Она почувствовала, что у него горячая рука.

2) If the verbs of sense perception are used in the passive voice, they are followed by a to-Infinitive.

He was seen to enter the house. Видели, как он зашел в дом.

Dinny was heard to answer. Слышали, как Динни ответила.

4. After the verbs of inducement and permission:

to let (in the meaning of позволять, разрешать), to make (in the meaning of заставлять), to have (in the meaning of заставлять, сказать чтобы)

That Saturday the teacher let us __ go home earlier.

В ту субботу учитель отпустил нас домой раньше. (Разрешил нам уйти.)

What makes you __ think so? Почему ты так думаешь? (Что заставляет тебя так думать?)

Please, have someone __ lay the table. Пожалуйста, скажите, чтобы кто-нибудь накрыл на стол.

The verb to help may be followed by both a to-Infinitive and a bare Infinitive (the latter case is more typical of American English).

He helped me (to) carry my bag. Он помог мне нести сумку.

The passive form of the verb to make is followed by a to-Infinitive.

She was made to lay the table. Ее заставили накрывать на стол.

5. After modal phrases: had better (‘d better), would rather (‘d rather), would sooner (‘d sooner)

It’s cold. You’ d better __ wear a coat. Холодно? Лучше надень пальто.

I’ d rather __ stay in and __ watch TV than __go out in such weather.

Я бы лучше остался дома и посмотрел телевизор, чем выходить в такую погоду.

He’ d sooner __ die than __ marry her. Он скорее умрет, чем женится на ней.

6. After phrases with but, cannot but (can’t but), nothing but

I cannot but __ agree. He могу не согласиться.

She does nothing but __ grumble. Она только и делает, что ворчит.

Bill can’t but __ tell the truth. Билл не может не сказать правду.

7. In sentences beginning with why (not)...

Why not __ ask Tom about it? Почему бы не спросить об этом Тома?

Why not __ go there together? Почему бы не пойти туда вместе?

Why __ go there right now? Зачем идти туда прямо сейчас?

8. If two Infinitives are connected by the conjunctions and, or, except, than, the conjunction is followed by a bare Infinitive.The conjunctions except and than may be followed by both bare and to-Infinitives.

I’ll have to try and __ explain everything. Мне придется попытаться объяснить все.

Try and __ dial his number again. Попробуй набрать его номер еще раз.

They ought to come and __ help us. Им следует придти и помочь нам.

Не had to say «Good-bye» and __ leave. Ему пришлось попрощаться и уйти.

Do you want to have lunch now or __ wait till later? Ты хочешь пообедать сейчас или еще подождешь?

It’s easier to persuade people than __ (to) force them. Легче людей убедить, чем заставить силой.

We had nothing to do except __ (to) look at the posters. Оставалось только разглядывать плакаты.

Exercise 20. Translate into Russian. Write out the verbs and phrases followed by a bare Infinitive. Underline the bare Infinitives.

1. He’d rather join the army than stay here having no job, no family. 2. They’d sooner elect him President than let his opponents win. 3. You’d better protect yourself than wait till someone else does it for you. 4. His wife does nothing but scold him for everything he does and says. 5. Forget about your trouble. It’ll go away only if you make it go. 6. They let me see what my grandfather had told them about. 7. We saw farms go on the auction block while we bought food from foreign countries. 8. Little Ann always helps her mother do the dishes and never breaks a thing. 9. Why not try to persuade him not to quarrel with her? 10. We often hear him play the guitar and his wife sing. 11. Don’t you feel his voice tremble when he speaks to you? 12. The host had his daughter make tea.

Exercise21. Insert the Infinitive. Think whether a bare Infinitive or a to-Infinitive is necessary.

1. We miss them a great deal and we are happy that they will (to visit) us next month. 2. You could (to have done) it long ago. 3. The boy felt his mother (to touch) his cheek but he pretended (to be sleeping). 4. Mrs. Cool wants her son (to look after) his younger sister. She is going (to be busy) till Friday. 5. Mr. Tulip, a keen gardener, was seen (to be planting) some flowers in the back garden. 6. Don’t let your children (to swim) in the river when they are alone. 7. Who made you (to stay) here and not (to go away)? 8. The neighbours saw Val (to leave) but didn’t (to tell) Fred about it. 9. Susan would sooner (to miss) her classes than (to refuse) to go to a disco. 10. You’d better (to phone) your Grandma. She needs your help and there’s nobody (to take care of) her. 11. I’d rather (to tell) her what I think about their proposal than just (to follow) her advice. 12. They cannot but (to support) your project, otherwise they won’t be able (to get) any profit. 13. Why not (to join) the Locks and (to go) to the shooting lodge in Scotland for the weekend. 14. Look! The chair is overturned there. You’ll have (to go) and (to put it upright). 15. She usually felt his hands (to be) cold when she touched them. 16. Their family was made (to sell) the house just for nothing and (to leave) for Manchester. 17. – Was she seen (to speak) to the editor? – Yes, my assistant saw her (to do) it. 18. I heard him (to pray) when everybody went to bed.

Exercise22. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use «had better» to express advice or a polite warning.

Model: I advise you to close the window to keep off the rain. You’ d better close the window...

You shouldn’t drink such cold milk. You had better not drink such cold milk.

What do you think we should do? What had we better do?

Wouldn’t it be a good thing for us to start at once? Hadn’t we better start at once?

1. I advise you to take the matters in your own hands. 2. I advise you to wait for an invitation. 3. You shouldn’t tell lies. 4. You ought to keep off the grass. 5. What do you think we should do with the car? 6. Oughtn’t we to wash the car? 7. Wouldn’t it be advisable to sell the car? 8. I advise you to stay at home. 9. Who do you think we should consult? 10. I think you should take things easy. 11. You should not interfere with them. 12. Would it be a good thing for him to keep on asking questions? 13. I advise you to take up art. 14. You should accept the apology. 15. You shouldn’t refuse their invitation. 16. Ought we to insist on our point of view? 17. It would be a good thing if you helped me. 18. He ought to take the medicine. 19. You shouldn’t display curiosity about people’s private life.

Exercise 23. Paraphrase the following sentences to express preference. Use would rather + an Infinitive.

Model1: I prefer to stay at home. – I’ d rather stay at home.

Model 2: I prefer not to go out. – I’ d rather not go out.

Model 3: a) I prefer to stay at home than to go out.

b) I prefer staying at home to going out. – I’ d rather stay at home than go out.

1. I prefer to go to the opera. 2. I prefer not to go to the cinema. 3. I prefer to go to the opera than to go to the cinema. 4. I prefer to buy fresh bread. 5. I prefer not to buy stale bread. 6. I prefer to buy fresh bread than stale bread. 7. My friend prefers to take up gymnastics. 8. My friend prefers not to take up athletics. 9. My friend prefers to take up gymnastics than athletics. 10. Helen prefers to stay out of this business. 11. Helen prefers not to be involved in the business. 12. Helen prefers to stay out of this business than to be involved in it. 13. Many people prefer to travel by air. 14. Many people prefer not to travel by train. 15. Many people prefer to travel by air than by train. 16. Some women prefer wearing flat shoes. 17. Some men prefer going to a club to going to a pub. 18. Little girls prefer playing with dolls to playing with cars.

Exercise 24. Use to before the Infinitives where possible.

1. We did everything we could... make him... join us. 2. You can’t... make me... do what I don’t want.... 3. Are you sure you can... afford... waste another year? 4. You need... take more care of yourself. 5. It would be very foolish... let the child... have his way. 6. Let the next student... come in now. 7. We’d rather... take a train than... fly. 8. Why not... go with us? Let’s... have fun! 9. You’d better... stay in bed not... make your cold... get worse. 10. I need a car... get to my country-house. 11. We heard the postman... come up to the front door and then we saw him... slip a thick envelope into the box. 12. He can’t but... admire her beauty and talent. 13. You ought... have told me all this before. 14. We got them... rebuild the house. 15. He was seen... enter the house through the back door. 16. – What made you... terrorize me? – I was made... do it. 17. Will you be able... let your son... decide his future? 18. Do you like... listen to good music? 19. Would you like... listen to good music? 20. That funny scene made me... laugh. 21. I like... play the guitar. 22. My brother can... speak French. 23. We had... put on our overcoats because it was cold. 24. They wanted... cross the river. 25. It is high time for you... go to bed. 26. May I... use your telephone? 27. They heard the girl... cry out with joy. 28. I would rather... stay at home today. 29. He did not want... play in the yard any more. 30. Would you like... go to England? 31. You look tired. You had better... go home. 32. I wanted... speak to Nick, but could not... find his telephone number. 33. It is time... get up. 34. Let me... help you with your homework. 35. I was planning... do a lot of things yesterday. 36. I’d like... speak to you. 37. I think I shall be able... solve this problem. 38. What makes you... think you are right? 39. I shall do all I can... help you. 40. I like... dance. 41. I’d like... dance. 42. She made me... repeat my words several times. 43. I saw him... enter the room. 44. She did not let her mother... go away.

Exercise25. Paraphrase the following sentences. Express a great insistence on some action. Use cannot but + an Infinitive.

Model: I simply must agree to his terms. I can’t but agree to his terms.

I simply had to lend him the money. I couldn’t but lend him the money.

I couldn’t help borrowing some money from him. I couldn’t but borrow some money from him.

1. I couldn’t help visiting my old friend. 2. I simply must follow your advice. 3. I had no choice. I had to believe him. 4. I can’t help thinking that you are wrong. 5. I simply must ask you for help. 6. I simply had to make it up with my boy-friend. 7. I couldn’t help thinking of her all the time. 8. It’s awfully hot. I simply must have a swim. 9. I couldn’t keep silent any longer. I had to tell him the truth. 10. You can’t help remembering her face. 11. I wouldn’t like to see her again. But I can’t avoid seeing her. 12. He couldn’t help feeling sorry for the girl. 13. I simply must do it again. 14. I can’t help thinking about it. 15. I couldn’t keep it a secret. I had to tell Mother everything. 16. There was no other way out. I had to speak to the manager.

Exercise26. Work in pairs. Respond to the statements given below. Use the following phrases with a bare Infinitive:

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