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You seem to have been mistaken. Похоже, что ты ошибся.
Не was a bachelor, who seemed to avoid women. Он был холостяком и, казалось, избегал женщин.
The examiner appears to be satisfied with your answer. Кажется, экзаменатор доволен вашим ответом.
There appears to be a misunderstanding. Похоже, есть какое-то непонимание.
I happen to know you are wrong. Я случайно знаю, что ты не прав.
They proved to be experts in this field. Они оказались знатоками в этой области.
Note: The Infinitive of the verb to be as a link verb may be omitted: He seems to be ill = He seems ill.
2. The passive voice of the verbs of sense perception: to hear, to see, etc.
Soon he was heard to start the engine of his car. Скоро стало слышно, как он завел мотор своей машины.
She was never seen to speak to him again. Больше никогда не видели, чтобы она с ним разговаривала.
Не was never heard to say «thank you» in his life. Никогда не слышали, чтобы он хоть раз в жизни сказал «Спасибо».
Note: The Infinitive is not used after passive forms of watch and notice.
3. The passive voice of the verbs of mental activity: to think, to know, to expect, to believe, to suppose, to consider, etc.
The delegation is supposed to be arriving at the station now. Предполагается, что делегация прибывает сейчас на вокзал.
Our yachtsman is known to have been travelling round the world for half a year already. Известно, что наш яхтсмен уже полгода путешествует вокруг света.
The fire is believed to have started last night. Считают, что пожар начался прошлой ночью.
After the verbs to believe, to expect the non-perfect Infinitive denotes an action referring to the future.
This actor is believed to take part in the new performance. Думают (считают), что этот актер будет участвовать в новой постановке.
A new law is expected to be introduced next year. Ожидается, что новый закон будет введен в будущем году.
4. The passive voice of the verbs of saying: to say, to report, to announce, etc.
He is said to know everything and everybody. Говорят, что он знает все и всех.
The plane was announced to be landing. Объявили, что самолет идет на посадку.
The goods are reported to have been stored in the warehouse. Сообщают, что товары уже помещены на склад.
5. The passive voice of the verb to make (it is followed by a to-Infinitive).
He was made to speak and say everything. Его заставили говорить и сказать все.
6. The phrases to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure, to be certain. Here the adjectives are an indication of the speaker’s attitude towards the future. After all these phrases the Infinitive denotes an action referring to the future thus only a non-perfect Infinitive is possible.
She is likely to come today. = It’s likely that she will come today. = She will probably come today.
Are you likely to be home late? = Is it likely that you will be late home?
Manchester are sure to win, the other team haven’t got a chance. Команда «Манчестер» наверняка выиграет, у другой команды нет ни малейшего шанса. (It is the speaker rather than Manchester who is sure)
Note the difference in the use of the Infinitive and the gerund after to be sure, to be certain: | |
He is sure to come. Он наверняка (обязательно) придет. The meaning is «He will definitely come». In this case we talk about what will happen. «to come» is something that will happen. | He is sure of coming. Он уверен, что придет. The meaning is that the person feels certain that he will do it, but he could be wrong. In this case we describe a person’s state of mind. |
Exercise 53. Underline the Infinitive used as part of a compound verbal predicate. State the type of the compound verbal predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Не can’t do what you are asking him. 2. She came to realize that he had deceived her. 3. Tom and Arnold were heard to come in but soon they went out laughing. 4. Sam had to meet his wife at the port and take her straight to her parents. 5. You needn’t go to the launderette round the corner. You can do the laundry at home. 6. A strange passenger was seen to follow the conductor. 7. Hardly had it ceased to rain when we.went out. 8. Jeff has a sore throat. He shouldn’t have had too much ice-cream. 9. A good beginning is said to make all the battle. 10. You might have helped your little sister to carry her bag. 11. Could you possibly tell me where I can get the information about trains? 12. Though little Andy desperately resisted he was made to take the bitter pill. 13. He loved jazz music so much that he would go to the jazz club every weekend. 14. They continued to check the calculations as they didn’t find the results satisfactory. 15. Grandma must be watering the flowers. 16. He began to telephone her every hour but couldn’t reach her. 17. Mr. Jackson used to smoke dozens of cigarettes a day and nobody expected that he would give up smoking. 18. Don’t worry! Sally is sure to come and bring you some food. 19. Our friends are expected to arrive at Heathrow. 20. With the development of civilization man’s interference into nature began to increase.
Exercise 54. Match the parts of the sentences choosing the proper part of a compound verbal predicate of different types. Note the use of the particle to.
1. Chris seems 1. to rush into marriage.
2. Tim can’t 2. to visit her parents twice a week.
3. Leon is said 3. to be a perfect couple
4. Barbara used 4. to be hunting for a creative job.
5. Simon shouldn’t 5. to have found a temporary job.
6. Susan and Dennis appeared 6. to take off weight.
7. Larry started 7. to be promoted.
8. They are likely 8. to pay attention to what they say.
9. You are sure 9. to write a letter of recommendation.
10. Paul finished 10. to create a closely-knit family.
Exercise 55. Use an Infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate in a proper context.
Model 1: Part of a compound verbal modal predicate. T hat early! You will have to wait. She may appear any time.
Model 2: Part of a compound verbal phasal predicate. Nancy used to be seen in their company but now she doesn’t go out at all. She may feel lonely.
Model 3: Part of a compound verbal predicate of double orientation. Margaret happened to find his diary and it’s wise of her not to show it to anybody.
Make use of the following:
You He We They | could must may/might ought to should/-not are to have to needn’t, etc. | do it yourself. be eating now. explain it to her. buy a new sports jacket. be coached in Grammar. cut lectures. discuss it with her. be made at the tailor’s. |
It Jane | began started used continued finished ceased | to operate on him. to wind the tape back. to teach English. to dance to the music. to learn Polish. to lose her eyesight. |
Lucy Fred | is said was known, etc. | to have graduated from the University. to have lived a happy life. |
The weather | proved happened turned out appeared | to be changing for the better. to have been waiting for the taxi since 6 o’clock. to last long. to get the tickets for the 5 o’clock train. |
Our friend(s) | is likely are unlikely is certain is sure | to go by plane. to be staged at one of the best theatres. to fail in English. to phone us as soon as he arrives. |
Exercise 56. Paraphrase the sentences. Use an Infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate.
Model: It’s likely that she will keep us company. (to be likely) – She is likely to keep us company.
Do you know where she put my tie? (to happen) – Do you happen to know where she put my tie?
It seems to me that Alex proposed to Lydia. (to seem) – Alex seems to have proposed to Lydia.
They saw the man open the door. (to see) – He was seen to open the door.
Perhaps she will come. (may) – She may come.
When a girl she often went to the Zoo. (used to) – When a girl she used to go to the Zoo.
1. There’s no necessity for them to come over and bring their son. (need) 2. I would recommend you to have a talk with your boss about it. (should) 3. When she worked for that big company her job often took her abroad. (used to) 4. Maybe Maria will let us borrow some money from Dick. (may) 5. They saw that Brian dialed the number but they didn’t hear him talk to anybody. (hear) 6. I bumped into Roy near «Marks and Spencer», and we had a nice chat. (happen) 7. Probably, they found the show rather dull. (must) 8. We were told he had got the driving license. (say) 9. It seems to me that you are lying or are you kidding? (seem) 10. I didn’t expect that Dan would make a call to the publisher. (expect) 11. When her sister returned they started playing chess. (start)
Exercise 57. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of the Infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate.
1. Тебе не следовало откровенничать с ним. Он никогда не умел хранить чужие тайны. 2. Пьеса кажется скучной и премьера, наверняка, провалится. 3. Опять пошел дождь. Придется сидеть весь день дома. Жаль, мы могли бы неплохо провести день за городом. 4. Его никогда не заставляют делать что-то по дому, а он мог бы, по крайней мере, мыть посуду после ужина. 5. Слышно было, что они спорили о чем-то. Пришлось спуститься в гостиную, чтобы прекратить этот шум. 6. Лиззи продолжала умолять сестру не говорить матери об их приходе. Мать могла ее наказать. 7. Вряд ли они помогут нам. Придется занимать деньги у кого-то другого, иначе мы не сможем расплатиться с ним. 8. Конечно, Майк примет участие в конкурсе. Оказалось, он уже получал призы раньше. 9. Известно, что эти молодые актеры снялись уже в двух фильмах этого режиссера. Вы, должно быть, видели оба. 10. Сообщили, что рейс 83 прибывает вовремя. Твоя информация, оказывается, неточная. 11. Зря ты сказал ей о нашем разговоре. Теперь она перестанет доверять мне. 12. Мы, бывало, брали напрокат машину и уезжали куда-нибудь на юг. Казалось, там мы забывали обо всем. 13. Если начинался дождь, мы прятались в домике у моря. 14. Лера должна простить Вас. Говорят, она мягкий человек. Она не может долго сердиться на Вас.
Unit 8
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