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would sooner (‘d sooner)
Add a sentence beginning with Why not + a bare Infinitive.
Model: Andrew is so busy. He is just out of everything. – He’ d better take a day off and go to the country. Why not invite him to have a swim in the lake?
1. You look pale and you are coughing terribly. 2. I tried to calm her, but she didn’t hear me. 3. Jack Smith decided to cross his name off the list. He thinks he is not the one to be elected. 4. We are going to the theatre tonight, but they say, they may cancel the performance because the leading man is ill. 5. Bess is so fat because she has a sweet tooth. She eats too much candy and there’s always a bowl of candies on her table. 6. Alice always takes her anger out on her husband. 7. There’s a lot of talk about his divorce. 8. I never talk politics in the pub. 9. My son has just had a terrible picture tattooed on his arm. 10. David tore her letter into small pieces. 11. Dad is always teasing him about his girl-friends. 12. All these late nights are beginning to tell on his health. 13. Bill failed to repay most of his debt.
Exercise 27. Respond to the following. Give positive and negative advice. Use had better + an Infinitive.
Model: – I hope you’ll drive me to the station. – Sorry, I’m busy. You’ d better phone for a taxi.
– I’m rather feverish today. – Are you? You’ d better not go out.
1. I’m so hungry and I have to make some calls. – Oh, (to have lunch first) 2. I don’t want to call him tonight. – No, (not to put off this conversation) 3. I’m afraid I won’t manage this work by tomorrow. – Won’t you? (to set to work at once, not to waste time) 4. Do you think I can rely on Willy to help me with the exam? – I think so, only (to ask Helen) 5. I’m afraid my letter won’t reach her in time. – Won’t it? (to write by e-mail) 6. I’d like to take a computer-science course. – Would you? (to write an application) 7. I’ve lost my purse. – Have you? (to look for it at home) 8. Oh, my old watch has stopped again! – What a shame! (to buy a new one) 9. It’s going to rain. – Is it? (we – go home at once) 10. I don’t think this dress is becoming. – No, it isn’t, (to choose something else) 11. It’s so hot and stuffy here! – Yes, it is. (we – to go out and to have a breath of fresh air) 12. The wind is awfully strong! – It is. I think (not to go out and to stay in) 13. It’s much too hot outside. – Yes. You (to put on something very light) 14. I’m afraid my dress is too loose. – Is it? Maybe, you (to have it taken in)
Exercise28. Respond to the following by asking for advice with hadn’t... better + an Infinitive.
Model: I’m sure your brother can do the work himself. – Can he? Hadn’t I better help him?
I don’t think you should mention it again. – Shouldn’t I? I’ d better explain everything again?
Your daughter is quite all right. – Is she? Hadn’t I better keep her in bed another day?
1. Don’t talk about your decision to anybody yet. – Why? (to make an announcement today) 2. Ask Henry to take you to town. – Oh! (to drive the car myself) 3. Janet has decided to make the repairs. – But (you – to keep her from doing it) 4. It’s getting late. – Yes, (to call for a taxi) 5. I hear John is in hospital. – Really? (to visit him) 6. I’m afraid Adrian doesn’t look well. – Doesn’t he? (to see a doctor) 7. I’ve had a toothache since morning. – Poor thing! (to see your dentist at once) 8. I’m constantly thinking about tomorrow’s exam. – Oh, are you? (to stop worrying about it) 9. I feel out of sorts somehow. – Do you? (to take the medicine at once) 10. Oh, I’m so very tired. – Are you? (to go home and have some rest) 11. Can you help me get a ticket for this concert? – Maybe I can, but (to ask at the box office) 12. I can’t cope with this work alone. – Can’t you? (to find somebody to help you)
Exercise29. Disagree with the suggestion or decline the invitation. State what you prefer doing. Use would rather + an Infinitive.
Model: Take this blue skirt. It’s good on you. – No, thanks. I’ d rather take the black one.
Would you like to become a doctor? – Oh, no! I’ d rather take up art.
Give her a call. – Oh, no! I’ d rather not do it.
1. Have a cup of coffee. No, thanks. (to have a cup of tea) 2. Let’s have a rest now. (to finish my work first) 3. Take an aspirin. (not to take it) 4. Let’s go to the disco. (to stay away tonight) 5. Shall I call your friend? (to do it myself) 6. This hat is very becoming. Take it. (to buy a cheaper one) 7. Shall we go to Westminster by bus? (to go by the Metro. It’s much quicker) 8. Shall I switch on the light? (to sit and talk in the twilight) 9. Let’s go to the Hermitage. (to go to the country in this hot weather) 10. Will you tell me the whole story? (not to mention it at all) 11. Are you going to help your friend? (not to interfere with her) 12. Shall we discuss your wedding plans? (not to dwell on the subject) 13. Will you start this new business with Adrian? (to keep him from doing it) 14. Are you going with Cecil? (to accept your invitation) 15. Are you planning to take up dancing? (to take up gymnastics) 16. Are you coming with me? (to go on reading) 17. Are you going to write Ned a letter? (to phone him) 18. Shall we celebrate our wedding anniversary at home? (to go to a restaurant) 19. Why don’t you find a job? (to be a housewife)
Exercise 30. Respond to the following. Express preference. Use would sooner die than + a bare Infinitive.
Model: Do tell me all about it. Oh, no! I’d sooner die than tell you this.
1. Why not marry David? By no means (to accept his proposal) 2. Do what I suggest. (to follow/take your advice) 3. Don’t be so obstinate. Make it up with him. (to give in) 4. Why not speak to Julie and ask her for advice? (to mention it to her) 5. But they invited you to the party too. (to accept their invitation) 6. What are you afraid of? Tell me the truth. (to tell the truth) 7. Why not borrow the money from Betty? (to borrow the money) 8. Why not take part in this business? (to become involved in the affair) 9. Could you drive me to town? (to run a car on such a road) 10. Don’t let Nick start this business. (to let him do it) 11. Have you told your mother about your boy-friend? (to tell her about him) 12. Why not ask somebody for help? (to do it)
Exercise 31. Respond to the following statements. Express a suggestion beginning with Why not + an Infinitive.
Model: What a nice dress! – Why not buy it?
1. There’s a new film on. 2. I’m tired of waiting. It’s really time to go. 3. The visiting professor is giving a lecture on modern American poetry. 4. There’s a disco tonight. 5. We’re awfully hungry. 6. The music is very beautiful. 7. There’s a new exhibition in the Hermitage. 8. I’m sick and tired of your talking. 9. I like the way they are dancing. 10. It’s raining. I wouldn’t like to go out. 11. Look! What a fine day! 12. You’ve digressed from the point. (stick to the point) 13. It’s so sunny and the snow is sparkling in the sun. 14. You look so gloomy. (cheer up)
Exercise 32. Translate into English using a bare Infinitive.
1. ß áû ïðåäïî÷åë ïðèñîåäèíèòüñÿ ê âàì è ïîåõàòü çà ãîðîä, ÷åì ñèäåòü â ãîðîäå â òàêóþ ïîãîäó. 2. Òû áû ëó÷øå ãîòîâèëñÿ ê çà÷åòó ïî àíãëèéñêîìó (read up your English), à íå ñìîòðåë òåëåâèçîð ñ óòðà äî âå÷åðà. 3. Îí ñêîðåå ðàññòàíåòñÿ ñ íåé, ÷åì ïîçâîëèò åé òàê îáðàùàòüñÿ ñ ñîáîé. 4. ß ÷óâñòâóþ, ÷òî îí õî÷åò ñêàçàòü ìíå ÷òî-òî âàæíîå. 5. Åå ñîñåäè âèäÿò, ÷òî ê íåé ÷àñòî ïðèõîäèò êàêîé-òî ÷åëîâåê. 6. Ïî÷åìó áû íå ñúåçäèòü â Ïàðèæ íà âûñòàâêó? 7. Ìíå êàæåòñÿ, íè÷òî íå ìîæåò çàñòàâèòü åãî áðîñèòü òåáÿ. 8. Íå ìîãó íå ïîñïîðèòü ñ òîáîé. 9. Åãî òåùà òîëüêî è äåëàåò, ÷òî æàëóåòñÿ íà íåãî. Ëó÷øå áû îíà íå âìåøèâàëàñü â èõ æèçíü. 10. Íå íàäî çâîíèòü èì ñåé÷àñ. 11. Ïî÷åìó áû èõ íå ïîçäðàâèòü? 12. Îí áû ïðåäïî÷åë îòäîõíóòü â Ãðåöèè èëè íàâåñòèòü ðîäèòåëåé. 13. Îíè, âîçìîæíî, îæèäàþò, ÷òî îí ïðèåäåò ê íèì. 14. Ïî÷åìó áû íå êóïèòü êàðòî÷êó? 15. Åìó íè÷åãî íå îñòàâàëîñü, êàê äîâåðèòüñÿ åé. 16. Òû òîëüêî è äåëàåøü, ÷òî õîäèøü íà äèñêîòåêó. 17. Ïî÷åìó áû òåáå íå ñõîäèòü â òåàòð? 18. Îí ñêîðåå óìðåò, ÷åì îòêàæåòñÿ îò ñâîèõ ïðèíöèïîâ.
Unit 4
Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-04-06; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 1868 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!