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1. The Infinitive used as an object is placed after the predicate and is often expressed by an Infinitive phrase though a single Infinitive is also possible.
We plan to go on holiday together. Мы планируем поехать в отпуск вместе.
I regret to have invited her. Я жалею, что пригласил ее.
After a number of verbs that take two objects the first one may be expressed by a noun or pronoun and the second by an Infinitive (to advise, to allow, to ask, to compel, to encourage, to order, to persuade, to recommend, to request, to tell, to teach, etc.).
Tell him to phone me. Скажите ему, чтобы позвонил мне.
I asked her to explain everything. Я попросил ее, чтобы она все объяснила.
My mum taught me to read and write. Мама научила меня читать и писать.
After the verbs t o find, to consider, to believe, to think, etc. when used as an object, the Infinitive may be preceded by the formal introductory object it, which is not translated into Russian.
I find it hard to believe you. Я нахожу трудным поверить вам.
Did you find it necessary to invite her? Ты решил (счел), что ее необходимо пригласить?
2. After the verbs to advise, to ask, to decide, to discover, to discuss, to explain, to find out, to forget, to know, to learn, to remember, to show, to teach, to tell, to understand, to want, to wonder, etc., the object may be expressed by a conjunctive Infinitive phrase.
I don’t know what to say; where to go; who to meet;
how much to pay; when to come.
We were wondering where to put our coats. Мы не знали, куда дет ь наши пальто.
Have you decided when to have the party? Вы решили, когда проводить вечер?
We were discussing how long to stay in the country. Мы решали, сколько времени пробыть за городом.
3. The Infinitive may also be used as an object after some a) predicative adjectives, b) statives or c) Participles
a) anxious glad grateful thankful happy proud sorry | b) afraid ashamed | c) astonished amused determined delighted horrified pleased surprised, etc. |
I was afraid to say anything in front of those people. Я боялся сказать что-нибудь при этих людях.
We were anxious to find out the truth. Нам очень хотелось узнать правду.
I’m sorry to be phoning you so late, but it’s very urgent. Извините, что звоню так поздно, но дело срочное.
4. Some verbs are followed either by an Infinitive-object or by a gerund-object. They are: to remember, to forget, to regret. The difference concerns mainly non-perfect forms and is connected with time: the gerund-object refers to things that happened earlier (before remembering, forgetting or regretting took place); the Infinitive object refers to things that happen after remembering, forgetting or regretting.
remember + gerund I’ll always remember seeing you at the races. Никогда не забуду, как видел вас на скачках. | remember + Infinitive Please, remember to post my letter. Пожалуйста, не забудьте отправить мое письмо. |
remember + a gerund = remember what one has done, what has happened. | remember + an Infinitive = remember what one has to do. |
forget + gerund I’ll never forget swimming in the Dead Sea. Я никогда не забуду, как купалась в Мертвом море. | forget + Infinitive Don’t forget to post my letter, please. He забудьте, пожалуйста, отправить мое письмо. |
forget + a gerund = forget what one has done or what has happened. | forget + an Infinitive = forget what one has to do. |
regret + gerund I don’t regret telling her the truth though it upset her. Я не жалею, что рассказал ей правду, хоть это и расстроило ее. | regret + Infinitive I regret to inform you that we can’t offer you this job. Я сожалею, но должен сообщить Вам, что мы не можем предложить Вам эту работу. |
regret + a gerund = be sorry for what has happened. | regret + an Infinitive = be sorry for what one is going to say. |
The verb to like can also be followed by an Infinitive-object and a gerund-object with some difference in meaning:
like + gerund I like dancing. Я люблю танцевать. | like + Infinitive I like to sleep with the window open. Я люблю спать с открытым окном. |
like + a gerund = enjoy (Though the Infinitive is also possible in this meaning, especially in AmE) | like + an Infinitive = to be in the habit of, think it right to |
Exercise 58. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as an object. Translate the sentences into Russian. (In case of two objects following the predicate say what the first one is expressed by.)
Model: She advised the boy to tell the truth. The Infinitive phrase «to tell the truth» is used as a direct object. The indirect object is expressed by the noun «the boy». Она посоветовала мальчику сказать правду.
1. I would strongly advise you not to speak to him like that. 2. Michael ordered her to leave Bristol immediately. 3. The doctor compelled the patient to change his diet. 4. Ellen’s friends encouraged her to get a new car. 5. I consider it impossible to change your plans. 6. He was trying to persuade her but failed. 7. We’d strongly recommend you to see this film. 8. I find it impossible to take the responsibility upon myself. 9. I told Lizzy not to run round the flower-bed and not to pick the flowers. 10. She taught me to feel and admire nature. 11. Mr. Bell finds it easy to restore the painting. 12. We were requested not to switch on the light. 13. Vic plans to be back next week. 14. We find it necessary to spend the night in Oxford. 15. The captain ordered the sergeant to fetch the guns. 16. I think it highly desirable to go to the Keep-fit club at least twice a week.
Exercise 59. Match the parts of the sentences. Choose the proper object expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.
1. Rick finds it necessary 1. not to marry anybody for his looks.
2. The surgeon was requested 2. to impose strict rules on his children.
3. Sylvia’s mother told her 3. to operate on the patient.
4. Lydia plans 4. to blame his wife for all that.
5. The dentist recommended 5. to enter into marriage.
the patient
6. The parents persuaded him 6. to have the tooth out.
7. The boss advised his personnel 7. to take the final exams.
8. The students were asked 8. to apply for this post.
9. His mother considers it 9. to hand in their test-papers.
10. Her fellow-students 10. to hire a new team.
encouraged her
Exercise 60. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use an Infinitive object.
Model: I think you should do it as soon as possible. I advise you to do it as soon as possible.
Use: to plan; to allow; to promise; to compel; to recommend; to encourage; to request; to order; to teach; to persuade; to advise
1. I think you should read as much as possible as that may help you to enrich your vocabulary. 2. I wanted to continue the experiment but the boss said it was high time to stop it. 3. His recommendation was that we should go to Stratford on Avon and visit Shakespeare’s birthplace. 4. At first I’ll pack for the trip and then I’m going to take a taxi and go to the airport. 5. Father told Jimmy that he would buy him a new bike. 6. «You should continue to do as much swimming as possible. This way you may lose weight», said Sarah to Kate. 7. They were very polite when they asked whether we could take off our shoes before entering the room. 8. We were given permission to use their phone and make a call to the Embassy. 9. He is the sort of man you could cause to do just anything. 10. The captain made up his mind to punish the soldier and he told him to peel a bucket of potatoes. 11. He showed me how to drive a car on the motorway.
Exercise 61. Complete the sentences using a conjunctive Infinitive phrase as an object.
Model: He always knows... (who) – He always knows who to invite to his party.
1. She never asks me... (whether) 2. The teachers decided … (when) 3. I absolutely forgot … (how) 4. Peter can’t understand … (where) 5. The receptionist told the tourist … (how much) 6. We can’t remember … (who) 7. They couldn’t decide … (how long) 8. My brother explained to me … (what) 9. The taxi-driver advised her … (where) 10. I want to know … (whether) 11. I don’t understand … (which) 12. Nobody told her … (who)
Exercise 62. Complete the sentences using an Infinitive as an object after predicative adjectives, statives or Participles. Use different forms of the Infinitive.
Model: I was anxious … I was anxious to see her as I missed her.
1. My colleagues were astonished … 2. Her family were determined … 3. The jury were proud … 4. I am sorry … 5. The writer was happy … 6. They were horrified … 7. We were grateful … 8. I am delighted … 9. My husband and I were pleased … 10. The girl was ashamed and afraid … 11. Our friends are g1ad … 12. Frank is lucky … 13. Jane is afraid … 14. Paul was amused … 15. Who was surprised …? 16. Why was John so determined …?
Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 3480 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!