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The Infinitive as predicative

In this function the Infinitive is part of a compound nominal predicate and follows the link verb to be as a rule.

To ask her questions is to irritate her.

Задавать ей вопросы, значит раздражать ее.

Not to warn him was to let him down.

He предостеречь его означало подвести его.

The subject of such a compound nominal predicate is generally expressed either 1) by another Infinitive:

To see her is to admire her. Видеть ее значит восхищаться ею.

2) by a noun denoting an action, a state or some vague idea:

My habit is to get up early. У меня привычка — рано вставать.

Their hope was to find everybody safe. Они надеялись (у них была надежда) найти всех целыми и невредимыми.

Their duty will be to look after the children. Их обязанностью будет присматривать за детьми.

The next thing is to move out of the house. Следующий шаг — покинуть дом.

3) by a clause:

What we want to do is to see our friends. Чего нам хочется, так это повидаться с друзьями.

My wish habit duty intention advice hobby principle difficulty hope is was will be to do something. to have a cold shower. to do the dishes. to get a job, etc. to buy a cheap house. to elect the leader, etc.
The order problem business method plan purpose reason
The last The next thing
What I want to do   is to go to the country. to see my friend, etc.
What I wanted to do was

In this function the Infinitive may be introduced by the conjunctions or conjunctive pronouns or adverbs what, whom, where, when, how which together with the Infinitive form a conjunctive Infinitive phrase:

The problem The question The thing was is what to do. whom (who) to look for. where to find him. when to start. how to do it.

Exercise44. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as predicative. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the subject of each sentence and say what it is expressed by.

Model: What we want to do is to see our classmates as soon as possible. Чего нам хочется, так это увидеться с одноклассниками, как можно скорее. The Infinitive phrase «to see our classmates as soon as possible» is used as a predicative of the compound nominal predicate. The subject is expressed by the clause «What we want to do».

The plan was to help her. План состоял в том, чтобы помочь ей. The Infinitive phrase «to help her» is used as a predicative of the compound nominal predicate. The subject is expressed by the noun «The plan».

1. The plan was to test the new equipment and discuss the results. 2. My duty will be to do the shopping and cook meals. 3. Their business is to sell foodstuffs. 4. Her method is to make a child think and find his own solution. 5. The next thing is to find an experienced nurse. 6. The problem was who to turn to for advice. 7. What I must do is to have my Volvo fixed as soon as possible. 8. The order was to pursue the man and catch him immediately. 9. Her habit is to put five lumps of sugar in her tea. 10. My brother’s principle is to do everything himself and never ask for anyone’s help. 11. Their purpose was to find a hotel and stay there. 12. Our first thought was to leave the place as quickly as possible until we were caught in a storm. 13. Kelly’s only chance was to give evidence against Julian. 14. Man’s true vocation is to cultivate the ground. 15. My only concern was to get home after a hard day’s work. 16. The question was how to find their house.

Exercise45. Match the parts of the sentences choosing the corresponding predicative expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.


1. His problem is 1. to rise to the top.

2. Your duty is 2. to run away to get married.

3. Her dream was 3. to rent a room of his own.

4. Fred’s goal was 4. to feed your pets.

5. Their ridiculous idea’ was 5. to choose a good career.

6. His parents’ proposal was 6. to marry into money.

7. What he should do is 7. to love you blindly.

8. What I don’t want to do is 8. to call an ambulance.

9. What they failed to do was 9. to reject the candidate.

10. What Sid was eager to do was 10. to check in.

11. What the writer wanted to do was 11. to deceive children.

12. The next thing was 12. to call off the wedding.

13. The last thing is 13. to find an experienced editor.

Exercise 46. Complete the sentences using the conjunctive words what, whom, where, how before an Infinitive and an Infinitive phrase used as predicative.

Model: The problem was... – The problem was when to finish the test.

whom to give the money to.

where to take her.

how to get there.

what to have for breakfast.

1. The task is... 2. The question was... 3. Our problem will be... 4. The students’ difficulty is … 5. Everyone’s goal is... 6. All parents’ problem is... 7. Freddy’s question was... 8. My sister’s dream is... 9. The trouble with you is... 10. His aim is...

Exercise 47. Make up your own sentence according to the model using an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as predicative.

Model 1: What I want to do is to visit my old friend.

Model 2: What they really wanted to do was to get married and be happy.

Model 3: What I must do is to hand the message to her.

Model 4: What he had to do was to accept their invitation.

Model 5: What she failed to do was to let the room.

Exercise 48. Translate the sentences into English using an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as predicative.

1. Единственное, что можно сделать, это отправиться к морю. 2. Сказать ему правду значит обрести в нем врага. 3. Их обязанность состоит в том, чтобы присматривать за домом. 4. Главная проблема в их жизни – где заработать деньги. 5. Мой совет – забыть его как можно скорее. 6. Приказ полковника был продвигаться вперед и атаковать противника. 7. Наш план состоял в том, чтобы разыскать его отца. 8. Его единственным желанием было, чтобы его оставили в покое. 9. Ее хобби – собирать старинные монеты и этикетки. 10. Вопрос в том, как добраться до виллы. 11. Что мне пришлось сделать, так это продать свою любимую картину. 12. Главное было заставить его признать свою вину. 13. Его основной принцип – никогда не показывать свое превосходство. 14. Их единственным шансом было улететь в Мадрид.

Unit 6

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