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Exercise 33. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as subject. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Model: To love is to respect. 1. Любить – значит уважать. 2. Любовь – это уважение.
1. To watch them playing is just a pleasure. 2. To send him a telegram was the only way out. 3. To look after your aged parents is, no doubt, your duty. 4. To leave them alone was most necessary at that moment. 5. To drive fast in such weather is pretty dangerous. 6. To mention his name in her presence was silly of you. 7. To make Ben marry Angela wasn’t wise of his parents. 8. To be thrifty when you are pressed for money is next to impossible. 9. To take long walks before going to bed is good for your health. 10. To cry is useless. It never helps. 11. To climb this mountain is a tremendous risk. 12. To see her was a delight that never staled. 13. To go with him to picture galleries was a rare treat for her. 14. To take money from him was like robbing a child. 15. To switch off the light is necessary before you leave.
Exercise 34. Match the parts of the sentences. Choose a proper subject expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase for each predicate in the right-hand column.
1. To become drug-dependent 1. has never been my dream.
2. To cement your family 2. is not always good.
3. To be under my wife’s thumb 3. may help you to impress them
4. To get married young 4. is very dangerous.
5. To wear presentable clothes 5. is the only way out for all of you.
at an interview
6. To let his friends down 6. is a great problem for Lyle.
7. To be jobless 7. seems to be inevitable.
8. To marry for love 8. makes him suffer.
9. To drive her to tears 9. is better than to many for money.
10. To leave the nest 10. is not characteristic of him.
Exercise 35. Match the parts of the sentences.
1. What is worse... 1. to listen to a lecturer or to look through
someone’s notes?
2. What is more pleasant... 2. to love or to be loved?
3. What is more unexpected … 3. to find your purse or to lose it?
4. What is more disappointing … 4. to meet your old friend or to find
a new one?
5. What is more exciting... 5. to buy a dull book or to watch
a dull film?
6. What is better... 6. to be dismissed or to be badly paid?
7. What is more amusing... 7. to find your shoe in the fridge or
to find an orange in the bathroom?
8. What is funnier... 8. to wear a fur hat in summer or
to wear sandals in winter?
9. What is more surprising... 9. to have a light breakfast or
to have no breakfast at all?
10. What is more shocking... 10. to have a talk with a great joker or
tell someone a joke?
Exercise 36. Make up sentences. Use an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as subject.
To argue To add some herbs to the tea To listen to some English tapes To keep your word To talk about politics To take drags To waste time To watch English videos | is must be is, no doubt, | useless. helpful. healthy. dangerous. silly. dull. wise. important. impossible. necessary. |
It | is | easy necessary important possible impossible hard urgent a terrible thing a nice thing a strange thing a dangerous thing an important thing | to survive. to criticize them. to control their business. to establish a joint venture. to express your views. to back him up. to live in fear. to speak foreign languages. to drive at speed. to serve the state. to govern people. to teach children. to cure people. to interfere with somebody. to win the game. to agree upon this matter. |
Exercise 37. A. Make up sentences with the introductory subject «it». Pay attention to the notional subject expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.
Model: It would be lunacy to marry him.
It | is was would be | lunacy strange important your duty very kind of you wise of you, etc | to tell him that. to see her here. to attend his lecture. to help Aunt Sally. to buy it for me. not to believe them. |
B. Paraphrase the sentences in exercise 36.1 using the introductory subject it. Underline the notional subject expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.
Exercise 38. Complete the sentences. Use an Infinitive as subject with the introductory it.
Model: It’s useless... – It’s useless to talk with her when she is nervous.
1. It was strange... 2. It was a surprise... 3. It will be a shock... 4. It is important... 5. It is usually difficult … 6. It is so dangerous... 7. Isn’t it a pleasure... 8. It will be easy... 9. It is a great problem... 10. It is useful... 11. It was wise of you... 12. It would be nice...
Exercise 39. Make up sentences with a to-Infinitive as subject.
Model: Buy a new grammar book. It isn’t expensive. – It isn’t expensive to buy a new grammar book.
1. Criticize them. It is easy. 2. I have a lot of friends. It’s nice. 3. I lay awake all night. It was difficult for me. 4. Read the instruction. It’s important. 5. You made such a fuss about a trifle. It was very silly. 6. When you use a computer, you’ll see that it’s very easy. 7. Understanding this rule isn’t difficult. 8. Working with a computer is fascinating. 9. You must buy fresh food. It’s important. 10. It’ll be delightful if you buy this car. 11. Children mustn’t play in the street. It’s not safe. 12. Don’t use this ladder. It’s dangerous.
Exercise 40. Answer the following questions. Use an Infinitive as a notional subject preceded by the introductory subject it.
Model: When someone is reading for a driver’s test, what does it usually take a lot of time to do? – It usually takes a lot of time to learn the rules in the driver’s manual.
1. When a person is taking the road test, what is sometimes difficult? (to be attentive) 2. When driving, what is against the rules? (to drive at speed) 3. What is important before taking a long car trip? (to buy extra parts) 4. What will be necessary if you go on a long car trip? (to have a map) 5. What is advisable before buying a car? (to choose a nice car) 6. What is necessary before driving round a corner? (to look at the traffic lights) 7. What is a must if your car is dirty? (to have it washed) 8. While driving in the country, what is pleasant? (to stop the car and have a swim) 9. When stopped by a policeman, what is advisable? (not to argue with him) 10. When not sure about the way, what is best to do? (to have a look at the map) 11. When getting in a traffic jam, what is necessary? (to be patient) 12. Seeing children cross the street, what is best to do for a driver? (to stop and wait)
Exercise 41. Disagree with the following and give your reasons, an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as subject.
Model: To look after a baby is very pleasant, isn’t it?
Oh, no, it isn’t. It’s so tiresome to look after babies. It requires so much time and effort.
— It’s very pleasant to look after a baby, isn’t it?
— I can’t agree with you here. I think, it’s so tiresome to do it...
1. to work alone 2. to do the washing by hand 3. to hire a nurse for the sick 4. to tell lies 5. to play cards 6. to smoke a lot 7. to be cheated by people 8. to waste money on knick-knacks 9. to stay in the sun long 10. to put on weight 11. to dine out
Use: harmful, quite risky, necessary, disappointing, natural, dangerous, tiresome, (not) easy, silly, convenient …
Exercise 42. Answer the following questions. Give complete answers.
Model: Why is it necessary to attend classes? – It’s necessary to attend them because it gives you an opportunity to practise your English.
1. Why is it bad to miss lessons in grammar? 2. Why is it sometimes difficult to learn the rules in English? 3. Why is it advisable to learn the rules in English? 4. Why is it important to master your English? 5. Why is it strange to speak Russian at an English lesson? 6. Why is it a must to speak English at the lesson? 7. Why is it interesting to visit exhibitions? 8. Why is it nice to speak English and be spoken to in English? 9. Why is it a unfortunate to have no English textbooks? 10. Why is it a misfortune to fail in your exam?
Exercise 43. Translate into English using an Infinitive as subject. Underline the notional subject in the sentences with the introductory «it».
1. Курить так вредно, но он никак не может бросить. 2. Говорить с ней – одно удовольствие. 3. Соблюдение диеты – необходимость, а не каприз. 4. Жениться на ней будет просто несчастьем. 5. Было невыносимо слышать, как они ссорятся каждый вечер. 6. Встретиться с ними у Браунов – это сюрприз. 7. Бесполезно убеждать его не разводиться с ней. 8. Интересно сходить на эту выставку. 9. Трудно поверить в то, что он вернулся. 10. Хорошо было бы посоветоваться с отцом. 11. Небезопасно оставаться там на ночь. 12. Идти на этот спектакль – пустая трата времени.
Unit 5
Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 2060 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!