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Unit 2. Presentation

Presentation is a special kind of communication with audience, people to whom you convey the matter of mutual interest.

What’s the Difference between a Speech and a Presentation?

First, speeches are more formal and are given to larger groups of people. No visuals are used, and no interaction with audience is possible.

Presentations are given to a narrow group of people, delivered on a special topic/ They are detail-focused and the speaker often comes into contact with the audience answering or even asking some questions.

What is the difference between a presentation and lawyer’s statement in court?

Presentation skills are extremely essential for lawyers to succeed professionally as a large part of lawyer’s work is public speaking.

However, statements lawyers make in court and for the court exclusively are logical, analytical and persuasive.

Though traditional presentation structure doesn’t match the layout and style of advocate’s statement in court the skills will be perfected during practising academic presentations and further professional communications.

Presentation skills include:

  1. Preparation skills (ability to collect and process the material properly, making good notes and perfect slides)
  2. Verbal presentation skills (correct pronunciation of terms, names, dates and figures; fluent speech with no pauses – no reading; signposting and making transitions between the presentation parts, highlighting the major points, drawing attention to the slides, using examples)
  3. Non-verbal presentation skills (eye-contact; good posture; appropriate facial expression, few gestures with hands)
  4. Question answering techniques (direct answers, no stammering and mumbling, knowing how to answer difficult questions)
  5. Summarizing skills (making proper conclusions)

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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