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Preparing a presentation

Read the following requirements. Fill out the information about yourself. Comment on each point – what is meant by the statement, why it is necessary to do so etc.

  Not at all Rarely Some times Often Very Often
1. The visuals in my presentation match well with the information I'm communicating, and they help carry the speech.          
2. To prepare for my presentation, I think carefully about the message I want to send          
3. Before I present, I become familiar with the room and the space in which I'll be speaking          
4. I plan and practice my presentation until I can speak comfortably and fluently          
5. I assume my audience knows very little, and then I give them all the information they need          
6.Anxiety gives me stress, and brings negative energy to my presentation          
7. I encourage my audience to ask statements at the end of the presentation.          
8. I pay attention to my nonverbal behavior, like facial expressions and eye contact, to make sure I stay engaged with the audience.          
9. I use examples to support my points          
10. My presentation takes longer than planned.          
11. I focus on the main part of the presentation more than the beginning and end, because that's where most of the information is given.          
12. I thoroughly prepare the slides to make them laconic, informative and illustrative          

After you’ve made a presentation


1 2 3 – very poor; 4 5 – poor; 6 7 – good; 8 9 10 – outstanding

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 257 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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