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Translate these sentences from Russian into English

1) В котором часу мне приходить?

2) Ты никуда не пойдешь, пока не сделаешь уроки!

3) Не двигайся! Стой, где стоишь!

4) Эти глупцы будут делать то, что я им велю.

5) Сегодня ты выслушаешь меня, я не дам тебе уйти.

6) Они за всё мне ответят, вот увидишь!

7) Мне принести ещё кофе? – Да, спасибо.

8) Кому делать доклад? Кто будет отвечать за все?

9) Что же мы теперь будем делать!?

10) Финансовым отделом будет руководить Г-н Смитс.

Unit 11 Will and would

Will and would are considered to be the forms of the same verb. Its original meaning is volition. However, in some of their meanings the use of will is equal only to would which denotes an actual fact in the past; in other meanings will is found alongside would which expresses unreality in the present or serves as a more polite form of will.

§ 1 Will and Would for characteristic habit,

criticizing, natural tendency, and requests

1. Will/would describe characteristic habit/behaviour or is used to criticise a person’s characteristic behaviour: In fine weather he will often sit in the sun for hours. Marjory will keep leaving her things all over the floor.

Moreover, would is used with the same meaning as used to. It refers to repeated actions and events in the past: When we were children we would go skating every winter.

2. Will/would are found to express natural tendency: Water will boil at 100°С. I planted a yucca plant last year but it wouldn ’t grow because it didn’t get enough sun.

3. Will/would + not are used as a refusal to perform an action: Drink your milk, Jeremiah! – I won’t. The car wouldn’t start this morning.

4. Will/would are found as requests, orders, offers: Will you send me the bill, please? Would you be quiet!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 853 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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