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Put in will have to, must, having to, has to, should, had to, have to, should have. Retell the story


The Post Office in Britain is famous for getting letters and parcels to their destinations. The problem is that we the public (1) have to observe the rules. For example, we (2)...... put a stamp on a letter. If we don’t, the recipient (3)....... pay double. We often see the sign ALL LETTERS (4)......... BE CORRECTLY ADDRESSED. These days, this means (5)......... use postcodes. If you didn’t use a postcode, it’s no good complaining that your letter (6)......... arrived sooner. Parcels are a problem because they (7)........ be correctly packaged. If Aunt Sophia is going to send you a jar of your favourite jam, she (8)........ wrap it up well. The most important thing we (9)........ do is to address our letters and parcels legibly and correctly. This means clear handwriting and correct spelling. What we (10)........ do and what we actually do are often miles apart. Recently, the Post Office (11) …….. deliver a letter which showed a name followed by the word ARIJABA. What is this, do you think? Arabic? Hindustani? Wrong both times! Say it out loud and you will see it is just plain (misspelt!) English: HARWICH HARBOUR!

5. Complete the sentences with appropriate modals (can, must, may).

1) It’s a beautiful dress. It... (cost) a lot of money.

2) There’s been a terrible accident. We... (ring) for an ambulance.

3) You... (eat) between meals. You’ll get fat.

4) You... (let) the children get their hands on those bottles. The contents are poisonous.

5) You... (finish) the job this evening. There is no hurry.

6) I... (go) to work by bus but since the fares went up I’ve been going on foot.

7) He had to go by train because he... (not afford) the air fare.

8) You’d better take an umbrella. It’s cloudy and it... (rain).

9) I think we’ve probably missed the train but we... (catch) it if we run all the way to the station.

10) Anyone... (make) a mistake. No one is perfect.

11) She... (not take) the money. She wasn’t in the office that day.

12) They are all taking photographs of the person getting off the plane. It... (be) someone famous.

13) I’m sorry. I don’t seem to have brought the papers with me. I... (leave) them in my office.

14) I don’t think they know one another but they come from the same town, so they... (meet) when they were children.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1698 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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