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Respond to the statements with constructive suggestions, using the words in brackets

1) John’s very overweight. (diet) He ought to go on a diet.

2) The train leaves in less than half an hour. (hurry up)

3) My handbag’s been stolen. (report to police)

4) We’re going to Africa on a safari holiday. (buy a good camera)

5) She stayed in the sun too long and was badly sunburst. (be more sensible)

6) You shall sit by me, and amuse me.

7) Now you shall look at it face to face.

8) Shall I leave the things here, sir?

9) I made a mistake about this afternoon. It shall not occur again.

10) If I come there you shall know about it.

11) You shall not slip through my fingers!

12) “ You shall see that Chris yourself tonight.”

Complete these sentences using the modal verbs should or have to with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.

1) We should have called (call) on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we … (attend) an extra meeting. – We should have called on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we had to attend an extra meeting.

2) I … not (tell) him this news; he was so much upset, but I really … (do) so, for the circumstances demanded that.

3) You … (see) him dance! You’ve missed a lot. I … (take) you to the concert.

4) It was very hard work but we … (do) it.

5) The mother … (punish) the boy severely to make him understand he was not right.

6) Although it was very painful for the mother but she … (punish) the boy.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 717 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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