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Comment on the meaning of the verb will and would. Translate the sentences

1) If you overcook the pancakes they will be difficult to roll.

2) I will say no more on this matter, important though it was

3) As many as ten million children will have been infected with the virus by the end of the decade.

4) The holidays will have done him the world of good.

5) He expressed the hope that on Monday elementary schools would be reopened.

6) It was half past nine; her mother would be annoyed because she was so late.

7) They said they would give the police their full cooperation.

2. Emma and Sadie are students. They've both got exams tomorrow. Complete their conversation using a modal verb + be + the -ing form of each verb in brackets. Use the modal verbs ought to, might, must and would.

Sadie: – You (1) (do) some work. You ought to be doing some work, Emma.

Emma: - Hello, Sadie. Aren't you doing any work? You (2) (revise) for the exams.

Sadie: – I (3) (read) my notes if I had them, but I've lost them.

Emma: - Good Lord! How awful! Do you want to look at mine?

Sadie: - No, thanks. It's okay. Don't worry, Emma. Exams aren't important.

Emma: -Not important! You (4) (joke)! I (look) everywhere if my notes were lost.

Sadie: - Well, I'll probably find them before tomorrow.

Emma: -Have you seen Lisa? She's got a book of mine.

Sadie: -She was in here not long ago. Perhaps she's outside. She (5) (sit) in the garden.

Emma: – I'll go and have a look. Then I(6) (go). I have to get to the library before it closes.

Sadie: - What are you doing tonight, Emma?

Emma: - Revising, of course. Aren't you?

Sadie: - I (7) (play) tennis with Rebecca if the weather stays fine.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 870 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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