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They don’t normally pay for their account late, do they?

2. The phone number is 236672, ……………………………………?

3. We sent our new homeopathic catalogue by surface mail,……………………?

4. She isn’t in the laboratory today, …………………………….?

5. This machine doesn’t operate automatically, ………………………………….?

6. You studied these subjects two years ago, ………………………………………?

7. He will report tomorrow, ………………………………………………………………?

8. We sold all new drugs last week, …………………………………………………..?

9. I’ll have my first practice in summer, ……………………………………………?

10. A visitor arrives after travelling a long distance to see you,…….?


Can you summarize the information from the lesson 1 using the following concept map?



Lead – in

Exercise 1. Identify the states of matters shown in the pictures. Describe each state.

R solid Rmelting Rboiling R vaporizing,

Rcondensing Rfreezing. R water Rgas

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases given:

  matter physical properties phases of matter  
  atoms mass plasma
  properties weight chemical properties

1. … - any substance that takes up space. It is made of small particles called atoms.

2. … - the small particles that make up matter, consisting of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons surrounded by orbiting electrons.

3. … are characteristics of a given substance, such as color, smell, hardness, shape and texture.

4. … are characteristics of matter including: mass, weight, volume, density, color, smell, texture, taste and physical phase(solid, liquid, gas or plasma).

5. … is the amount of matter that is contained in an object. The more mass an object has, the greater its weight.

6. … is the measurement of the force of gravity pulling down on an object.

7. … are the characteristics of matter that describe its state. The phases of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

8. … is a phase of matter that is in the form of a super-heated gas. Plasma can be found throughout the universe, particularly in stars.

9. … are characteristics of matter that describe how a substance changes into another. When paper or wood is burned, it chemically changes into a different substance.

Exercise 3. Complete the text using the words and phrases:

  chemical properties metal silver jewelry  
ashes tarnish forms
blue-green color rusts iron
to air identified by chemical change
original substances involved oxygen
a glass of water bubbles atoms
carbon dioxide new substances cooking
energy take place  


…describe how substances can form new substances. Combustibility, for example, describes how well an object can burn. Wood burns well and turns into … and other substances. Can you think of a chemical property for the metal iron? Especially when left outdoors in wet weather, iron …. The ability to rust is a chemical property of …. The …does not rust, but eventually a darker substance called …on its surface. You may have noticed a layer of tarnish on some silver spoons or ….The chemical properties of copper cause it to become a…when it is exposed …. A famous example of tarnished copper is the Statue of Liberty. The chemical properties of bronze are different. Some bronze objects tarnish to a dark brown color, like the bust of Abraham Lincoln (in the photograph on the left).

Chemical properties can be …the changes they produce. The change of one substance into another substance is called a ….During a chemical change, combinations of atoms in the … are rearranged to make new substances. For example, when rust forms on iron, the iron atoms combine with … in the air to form a new substance that is made of both iron and oxygen. A chemical change is also … when an antacid tablet is dropped into …. As the tablet dissolves, … of gas appear. The water and the substances in the tablet react to form …. One of these substances is …gas, which forms the bubbles that you see. Not all chemical changes are as destructive as burning, rusting, or tarnishing. Chemical changes are also involved in ….When you boil an egg, for example, the substances in the raw egg change into new substances as … is added to the egg. When you eat the egg, further chemical changes … as your body digests the egg.

Exercise 4: Find the right translation:

Вы можете дать мне какую-нибудь информацию по этому вопросу? I’m to inform you that the meeting is cancelled
Факты - упрямая вещь. Please write about it in details
Вы случайно об этом не знаете? Where is the nearest post-office?
Куда мне обратиться за справкой? Find out when our train leaves?
Сейчас нет никаких дополнительных подробностей I’ll have to apply for information to the administration.
Пожалуйста, напиши об этом подробно. Do you happen to know about it
Какая причина вашего отказа? You can inquire at the ticket office.
Как мне добраться до центра города? Where can I get some information?
Мне поручено сообщить вам, что собрание отменяется Satellites collect data on weather and transmit it back to earth.
Мне нужны все детали новой программы How can I get to the centre of the city?
Выясни, когда отходит наш поезд? There’s no getting away from facts.
Спутники собирают информацию о погоде и передают ее на землю Can you give me any information on that matter?
Вы можете спросить в кассе. What’s the reason for your refusal
Мне придется обратиться за справкой к администрации I need full details of the new program.
Где ближайшая почта? There are no further details at the moment

Exercise 5: Makethe dialogues according to the cases:

Case 1: You watched a video about properties of matter. Explain the friend the differences between solids, liquids and gases.   Case 2: Teacher demonstrates a matter. Students must define what matter is and describe its physical properties.

Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make similar one:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 575 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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