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Present simple active


” + HAVE + V3/edWe have written a dictation.

I have read the book

They have published the article.

€,,…+ has+V3/ed → He hasjust broken a flask.

She has just sent the letter.

It has already closed.


HAVE+V3/ed Have they worked yet?

Have €,,… +V3/ed Has she met them?




+ not + V3/ed

€,,… has

yet ever since never already so far just up to now/until now lately for recently
They haven’t translated the text yet.

She hasn’t met them.

Exercise 24: Put verbs into a right form:

1. Since 1960s, the development of medicine (to race) forward.

2. Biologists (to describe) more than a million living species.

3. For fifty years the institute (to develop) and brought into use some 60 medicinal preparations.

4. People (to practice) chemistry since ancient times.

5. Biologists (to make) a great contribution to science.

6. I have already (to do) my homework.

7. I (not to speak) to him yet.

8. I have never (to be) here before.

9. I have (to do) my work and I am going home now.

10. The dean (to sign) the statement.

11. They (not to do) all the experiments.

12. She (to pass) her last exam today.

13. The students (to leave) the room.

14. You (to pass) your driving test?

15. They (to finish) their job?

Exercise 25: Put the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. You have seen that movie many times.

2. Joan has studied two foreign languages.

3. Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.

4. We have had many major problems while working on this project.

5. She has talked to several specialists about her problem.

6. He has worked for three different companies so far.

7. She graduated from university less than three years ago.

8. She has been in England for six months.

9. We have written a letter this morning.

10. She has read this book.

11. My father has always worked hard.

12. We have lived in Canada since 1986.

13. Chromatographic methods have developed rapidly

14. They have just completed their investigation.

15. People have cultivated corn for many thousands of years.

Exercise 26: Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses – Simple Present/ Simple Future:

1. They (to discuss) a lot of questions today.

2. I (to study) French and Italian.

3. Steven (to clean) his car.

4. They (to answer) a lot of letters lately.

5. Anna (to finish) her work.

6. We (to revise) these grammar rules.

7. I (to prepare) everything.

8. He (to translate) a lot of foreign letters this month.

9. I (to deckle) to buy this car.

10. Rebecca (to open) the window.

11. Michael (to start) learning English.

12. We (to visit)many countries.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 900 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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